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ISO 639-1:2002 pdf download

ISO 639-1:2002 pdf download.Codes for the representation of names of languages — Part 1: Alpha-2 code.
To ensure continuity and stability, language identifiers shall only be changed for compelling reasons. After a change in identifiers, the previous identifier shall not be reassigned for at least ten years, and only after careful consideration and approval by the Joint Advisory Committee (see annex A).
When adapting this International Standard to languages using other writing systems (e.g. the Cyrilic alphabet), language identifiers shall be formed according to the principles of this part of ISO 639.
A single language identifier is normally provided for a language even though the language is written in more than one script. A separate standard may be developed for the purpose of designating information concerning the script or writing system of a language.
4.2 Registration for new language identifiers
Everyone is free to apply for or propose a language to be coded in ISO 639-1. Each application or proposal shall be accompanied by the following:
a) documentation relevant to the scope of ISO 639-1 (clause 1 of this part of ISO 639);
b) a recommendation and support of an authority (standards organization, governmental body, linguistic institution, or cultural organization).
The selection of a code element for inclusion in the two-letter code is primarily based on the existence of a substantial body of documentation written in specialized languages as well as of a number of terminologies in various subject fields.
All code elements in the two-letter code are also included in the three-letter code and shall meet the selection criteria specified in ISO 639-2. Furthermore, the following selection criteria shall be considered:
— the number of speakers of the language community;
— recognized status of the language in one or more countries;
— the support by one or more official bodies.
The registration procedure is laid down in annex A
A.1 Registration Authority ISO 639-IIRA
The International Information Centre for Terminology (Infoterm), Aichholzgasse 6/12, AT-1120 Vienna, Austria, has been designated as the Registration Authority for this part of ISO 639 (ISO 639-1/RA). It is responsible for the registering the alpha-2 language code according to these procedures.
A.2 Responsibilities of the Registration Authority
A.2.1 Application for the registration of new language codes and for the change of
existing language codes
ISO 639-1/RA shall receive and review applications for the registration of new language identifiers and for the change of existing ones. It shall suggest an assignment of a language identifier when the relevant criteria are met according to the rules given in 4.2, and inform the applicant of the result of ISO 639-1/RA actions.
A.2.2 Maintenance of list
ISO 639-1/RA shall maintain an accurate list of information associated with registered language code elements. If necessary, it shall safeguard any confidential information. It shall process updates of registered language identifiers and distribute them on a regular basis to subscribers and other parties.
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A.2.3 Other general responsibilities
ISO 639-1/RA shall do the following:
handle all aspects of the registration process in accordance with good business practice;
indicate in operations that it has been designated as ISO 639-1/RA by ISO;
— provide an annual summary report on its activity to ISO Central Secretariat as well as to ISO/TC 37 and ISO/TC 46 Secretariats;
– provide advice on implementation and use of this part of ISO 639, as needed.
A.3 Joint Advisory Committee ISO 6391RA-JAC
A Joint Advisory Committee (ISO 639/RA-JAC) is established to advise both the ISO 639-1/RA Registration Authority and the ISO 639-2/RA Registration Authority. It shall guide the application of the coding rules as laid down in ISO 639-1 and ISO 639-2, respectively.
A.3.1 Composition
ISO 639/RA-JAC is composed of
— one representative of the International Information Centre for Terminology (Infoterm; representing ISO 639-1/RA),
— one representative of the Library of Congress (LC; representing ISO 639-2/RA),
— three representatives of ISO/TC 37 (nominated by ISO/TC 37), and
three representatives of ISO/TC 46 (nominated by ISO/TC 46).
Both ISOITCs may nominate substitute representatives.
A.3.1.1 Membership
The representatives of Infoterm and the Library of Congress will hold chair on a 2 year rotating basis. Up to five technical experts may be asked to participate as non-voting observers. The observers will be entitled to receive documents sent to the RA-JAC membership and expected to provide comments in return.

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