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PD IEC WT 01:2001 pdf download

PD IEC WT 01:2001 pdf download.IEC System for Conformity Testing and Certification of Wind Turbines- Rules and procedures.
ISO 6402:1994. Quality management and quality assurance — Vocabulary
ISO 9001:1994, Quality systems — Model for quality assurance in design, development. production, installation and servicing.
ISO 9002:1994, QualIty systems — Model for quality assurance in production. installation and servicing.
7 Definitions
The relevant definitions contained in ISO/IEC Guide 2. Iso 8402 and IEC 60050-415 are applicable.
For purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions also apply:
procedure by which an authoritative body gives formal recognition that a body is impartial and technically competent to carry out specific tasks such as certification, tests, specific types of tests etc.
NOTE Accreditation Is a*ard.d toIIowlnQ successful assessment and is followed by appropriate suivediance
entity applying for certification
certificate holder
entity holding a certificate after the certificate is issued.
NOTE This entity may not be th. original applicant but n,erth.i.ss ii responsible for maint.njnc, of the ce.1ircate
procedure by which a third party gives written assurance that a product, process or service conforms to specified requirements, also known as conformity assessment
certification body
body that conducts certification of conformity
certification system
system that has specific rules for procedure and management to carry out certification of conformity
evaluation for conformity
systematic examination of the extent to which a product. process or service fulfils specified requirements
final evaluation report
report containing the results of conformity evaluations relating to Type Certification, It is the basis for the decision to issue the Type Certificate
systematic examination of the extent to which a product, process or service fulfils
requirements by means of measuring, observing, testing or gauging the relevant
process that encompasses on site fabrication, assembly. erection and commissioning
process that encompasses fabrication and assembly in a factory or workshop
Entity manufacturing the wind turbine or, where relevant, main components of the wind turbine
operating body
body that conducts certification of conformity, testing or inspection
continuing monitoring and verfication of the status of procedures, products and services, and
analysis of records in relation to referenced documents to ensure specified requirements are met
type certificate
document issued upon the successful completion of type certification
type certification
procedure by which a certification body gives written assurance that a wind turbine type conforms to specified requirements
type testing
action of carrying out tests for a given wind turbine type according to specified procedures
project certificate
document issued upon successful completion of project certification
project certification
procedure by which a certification body gives written assurance that one or more specific wind
turbines are in conformity with requirements for a specific site
wind turbine type
wind turbines of a common design, materials and major components, subject to a common
manufacturing process and uniquely described by specific values or ranges of machine
parameters and design conditions
9 Acceptance of Operating Bodies
9.1 General
Operating bodies shall be capable and competent to operate their elements of the wind turbine certification system in an impartial manner and shall comply with the relevant IECIISO publications among the following:
ISOIIEC 17020: General requirements for the operation of bodies performing inspection:
lSO/IEC 17025: General requirements for the competence of calibration and testing laboratories;
ISOIIEC Guide 65: General requirements for bod,es operating product certification systems.
9.2 Accr.ditation
Operating bodies shall be accredited by a national or international accreditation body that has been internationally evaluated. This is in order to facilitate recognition arrangements on an international level of certificates and test results and to increase public confidence in their competence and impartiality.
9.3 RecognitIon Arrangements
Operating bodies shall seek to obtain, preferably multilateral, recognition arrangements for the acceptance of each other’s work, e.g. test results or quality system certificates. Such arrangements shall be established with reference to the requirements of this standard.
When the operating bodies have been accredited by a common accreditation body or where recognition arrangements exist between the corresponding accreditation bodies, the accreditation forms a sufficient basis f or mutual recognition of work under the accreditation.
If a recognition arrangement based on accreditation is not possible, a recognition airangement between operating bodies should include,
• the scope of the agreement:
• specification of the parts of the wind turbine certification system with unrestricted acceptance:
• identification of the signatories and their legal status:
• agreement regarding surveillance of each other’s work:
• a procedure for handling complaints and appeals;
• definition of the parties’ responsibilities.

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