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SAE AMS 4100C pdf download

SAE AMS 4100C pdf download.Aluminum Alloy,Alclad, Sheet 5.7zn – 2.2Mg – 1.6Cu – 0.22Cr (Alclad 7475-T761) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated.
1.1 Form:
This specification covers an aluminum alloy in the form of aiclad sheet.
1.2 Application:
This sheet has been used typically for structural applications requiring material with high strength and resistance to exfohatioci-corrosion. moderate fatigue strength, and high fracture toughness, but usage is not limited to such applications.
The issue of the following documents in effect on the date of the purchase order form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. The supplier may work to a subsequent revision of a document unless a specific document issue is specified. When the referenced document has been canceled and no superseding document has been specified, the last published issue of that document shall apply.
2.1 SAE Publications:
Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.
AMS 2355 Quality Assurance Sampling and Testing, Aluminum Alloys and Magnesium Alloys, Wrought Products, Except Forging Stock. and Rolled, Forged, or Flash Welded Rings
MAM 2355 Quality Assurance Sampling and Testing. Aluminum Alloys and Magnesium Alloys, Wrought Products, Except Forging Stock, and Rolled. Forged, or Flash Welded Rings. Metric (SI) Units
AMS 2772 Heat Treatment of Aluminum Alloy Raw Materials
3.3.3 Alternate Testing for Demonstration of Fracture Toughness: When specified, the producer shall guarantee that sheet meets the fracture toughness requirements based on correlation of notch tensile strength/tensile yield strength (NTSlTYS) ratio, determined in accordance with in lieu of fracture toughness testing (3.3.2). Sampling and test requirements, and lot acceptance criteria shall be as agreed upon.
3.3.31 Notch tensile strength in the long-transverse direction shall be determined in accordance with ASTM E 338 to obtain the NTSiTYS ratio. The values shall be divided by the long-transverse tensile yield strength to obtain the NTS1TYS ratio. Acceptance values for NTS/TYS shall be specified based on evidence of statistical correlation between the NTSITYS ratio and fracture toughness values (3.3.2) as demonstrated and maintained by the producer.
3.3.4 Corrosion Resistance Indicator Test: The cladding shall be removed from the test surface. If the electrical conductivity is 39.0% IACS (International Annealed Copper Standard) (22.6 MS/rn) or higher and the yield strength does not exceed the specified minimum by 9.0 ksi (62 MPa) or more, the sheet is acceptable.
3,3.4.2 If the electrical conductivity is 39.0% lAGS (22.6 MS/rn) o higher and the yield strength exceeds the specified minimum by 9.0 ksi (62 MPa) or more, or if the conductivity is at least 38.0% IACS (22.0 MS/rn) but less than 39.0% IACS (22.6 MS/rn) and tensile properties meet specified requirements, sheet shall be given additional precipitation heat treatment and then retested.
3,3.4.3 If the electrical conductivity is lower than 38.O% IACS (22.0 MS/rn). sheet shall be reheat treated and retested for compliance to all specified properties.
3.3.5 Exfoliation Resistance: The cladding shall be removed from the test surface. For sheet 0.100 inch (2.54 mm) or thicker, 10% of the thickness shall be removed by machining one surface. The cladding present on the surface opposite the test surface shall also be removed or masked oft. Sheet shall not exhibit exfoliation corrosion at, test plane, greater than that illustrated by Photo B, Figure 2, of ASTM G 34-72.
3.3.6 Cladding Thickness Per Side: Shall be as shown in Table 4.
Sheet, as received by purchaser. shall be uniform in quality and condition, sound, and free from foreign materials and from imperfections detrimental to usage of the sheet.
3.5 Tolerances:
Shall conform to all applicable requirements of ANSI H35.2 or ANSI H35.2M.
4,1 Responsibility for Inspection:
The vendor of sheet shall supply all samples tor vendors tests ano shall be responsioie for the performance of all required tests. Purchaser reserves the right to sample and to perform any confirmatory testing deemed necessary to ensure that the sheet conforms to the specified requirements.
4.2 Classification of Tests:
4,2.1 Acceptance Tests: Composition (3.1), tensile properties (3.3.1), and fracture toughness (3.3.2) or. when specified, alternate testing for demonstration of fracture toughness (3.3.3), corrosion resistance indicator test (3.3.4), and dimensional tolerances (3.5) are acceptance tests and except for composition, shall be performed on each inspection lot.
4,2.2 Periodic Tests: Exfoliation resistance (3.3.5), and cladding thickness (3.3.6) are periodic tests and shall be performed at a frequency selected by the vendor unless frequency of testing is specified by purchaser. When alternate testing for demonstration of fracture toughness is specified (3.3.3) fracture toughness (3.3.2) is a periodic test and shall be performed at a frequency to maintain statistical correlation as selected by the vendor unless frequency of testing is specified by the purchaser.

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