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SAE AS 1677C pdf download

SAE AS 1677C pdf download.General Requirements for Noncertified Cargo/Baggage Containers.
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) covers the requirements for lower deck containers in wide body and standard body aircraft which do not require airworthiness certification under the condition of compartment restraint and/or, where applicable according to aircraft type. NAS361 0 equivalent baseplate-restraint for these containers.
NOTE: IATA 50/0. Requirements for interlining of ULDs”. should also be taken into account when designing and making equipment.
1.1 Purpose:
This document provides dimensional, structural, and environmental criteria for cargo/baggage containers tailored to meet the lower deck configuration of the wide and standard body aircraft. See A1R1869 for information relative to lower deck container configurations. The minimum essential criteria are identified by the use of the key word “shall”. Recommended criteria are identified by the use of the key word ‘should”, and while not mandatory, are considered to be of primary importance in providing serviceable, economical, and practical air transport containers. Deviation from recommended criteria should occur only after careful consideration, extensive testing. and thorough service evaluation have shown alternate methods to be satisfactory.
The following publications form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. The latest issue of SAE publications shall apply, The applicable issue of other publications shall be the issue in effect on the date of the purchase order. In the event of conflict between the text of this document and references cited herein, the text of this document takes precedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.
2.1 SAE Publications:
Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.
ARP1 334 Ground Equipment Requirements for Compatibility with Aircraft Unit Load Devices
AS1825 Methodology of Calculating Aircraft Cargo Volume
AIR18B9 Wide-Body and Standard-Body Aircraft Lower Lobe Cargo Compartment ULO Capacities
4.1 The basic container shall consist of a complete enclosure (base, top, and sides) with access.
4.2 The structure shall be designed to provide the maximum usable internal volume available within the limit of structural design including access dosures.
NOTE: Reference IATA 50/0 clause 1.7 for the maximum ULD contours.
4.3 Tare weight to be as light as possible, consistent with good design practice and serviceability.
5.1 Basic Requirements for Design:
5.1.1 The maximum gross mass for the containers are shown in Table 1.
5.1.2 Robustness, reliability, and maintainability shall be major factors in the design, commensurate with planned service life.
5.1.3 The center of gravity of the load can vary laterally and longitudinally. See for details.
5.1.4 Stacking capability is not required,
5.2 Materials:
5.2.1 The materials and processes selected shall be capable of accepting extremely hard usage for a cost related life. Materials shall ensure no deterioration in strength when subject to normal environmental conditions.
5.2.2 Materials used shall be flame resistant in accordance with FAR/JAR 25.853.
5.3 Environmental Criteria:
5.3.1 Insofar as atrnosphenc conditions may affect the performance of the container or any part thereof, it should be taken into account that during transportation, these conditions range from +71.1(0 .53.9 °C (+160 to -65 F) with relative humidity from 20 to 85%. These are the mean temperature and humidity figures worldwide without taking into account extremes in temperature such as those experienced in arctic, sub-polar, or desert regions. This, however, is not a test requirement.
5.3.2 All components of the container shall be protected against deterioration or loss of strength in service due to weathering, corrosion, abrasion, or other causes where the type of material used requires such protection.

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