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SAE AS 22759-35 pdf download

The flammability test & NIL-W-22759 shall be modified for the wire of tt specification sheet aSt()IOwS: The 5pecified test burner shall be used without the weig top flame spreader and shall be adluated to furnish a 3-inch coiscal flame with an inner cone spproximately I inch en height and a temperature of 956CC i30C (1751 c ±64Fl at Its hottest point. A sheet of facial tissue conforming to UU-T-450 shea be suspended taut and horizontal 9-1/2 indies below flue marked point on the wire specimen wu the lest chanter and at least 12 inch above the 110cr of the chanter. The period of sppation of the hot llama t to he marked point on the wee specimen shall be 30 seconds for sties of wire. Observations shall mclude time of burning after removal of the lest flame, final distance of flame travel on the wire above the test mark, and presence or absence of flame m the facial tissue due to inoerOary dnp from the specimen Requirements shall be:
Duration of after-flame 3 seconde Imax)
Flame travel 3,0 aiches ImaxI
No flaming of tissue
Breaking of the wwe specimen in size 24 or smaller shall not be considered as failure provided the requirements for duration of flame, final cItstarice of flame travel, and absence of incendiary dring are met.
One specimen shafl be tested from each sample unit The post-flame dielectric test of MlL-W-227S9 Is not required for wire of me specification sheet.
Immersion procedure:
A 24-inch specimen. or each test Ibid in tate Ill, shall have its rkameter measured and shea then be immersed to withm 6 riches of each end for the lime and temperature specified, During wnmerstoru. the radius of bend of the wire shall be not less than 14 nor more than 36 times the specified maxirman ctiameler of the wire under test. Upon removal from the test Ibid. the specimen shall be wed dry and then remain for I hour m free air at room teroperature. The diameter shall be measured and competed to flue initial diameter. The Ereulabon shall be removed for a distance of 1/2 inch from each end of me specimen. The specimen shall then be subected to the bend test and dielectric teal specified in the procedure for life crcle tasting
Ihe rate of bend the wire shall be not less than 14 nor mote than 35 times the specified mexinim diameter of the we under lest Upon removal trom the liquids, the specimens shall remain for no more than 48 hours in tree air at room temperature The rnsulation shall be removed for a stance oil .ich from each end of the specimens, and the specimens shall be sttecfed to the dielectric test specified for life cycle testing.
Qualifying activity: The actrvity responsible for the cialihed products covered by this specification sheel is Naval Avxns Center, Code 8.714,6000 East 21st Street, Indianapolis. IN 46219-2189.

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