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SAE AS 9131 pdf download

SAE AS 9131 pdf download.Quality Systems Non-Conformance Documentation.
This document defines to supplier/subcontractor common information and documentation required to inform Customers, when applicable about nonconformity (Customer-provider use). It does not apply to the reporting of a nonconformity to the product owner/operator,
Reporting of Product Quality Escapes and use of Waiver/Concession is subject to the terms and conditions of the contractual requirements.
The layout of attached forms Is given for informahon but the order of blocks shall be the same. Also. blocks number indicated in this standard shall be kept with the concerned content. The size of each block may be varied to suit the individual application, but not to the extent that would make the forms unrecognizable. The forms may be pre-pnnted, computer generated or managed using WEB based system: but in either case. the printing of lines and characters must be clear and legible. The details entered on the forms can be either machine/computer printed or handwritten using block letter and should permit easy reading. Abbreviations should be restricted to a minimum.
For the purposes of these forms, the definitions given in ISO 8402 and the following definitions apply.
Definition of “product”: In this document means any aerospace vehicle, engine, propeller, airframe part or equipment (within that vehicle) to be used in operating or controlling an aerospace vehicle in flight.
Definition of “product quality escape”: Any product released from a supplier/subcontractor that Is subsequently determined by the supplier/subcontractor to contain a nonconformity.
Definition of “customer”: Recipient of a product provided by the supplier/subcontractor excluding aircraft owner/operator.
Definition of “Waiver/concession”: Written authorization to use or release a product which does not conform to the specified requirements. A waiver is limited to the shipment of a product that has specific nonconforming characteristics within specific deviations, for a limited time or quantity.
4. (Continued):
3.1 Description of nonconformity. Detailed description of the nonconformity. Sketches, drawings, specifications, etc. should be used to help the understanding of the nonconformity. Possible previous cases of the same deviation affecting other parts shall be indicated in referencing customer concession numbers.
In case of Concessions reference to other nonconformities on the same part shall be mandatory. Indicate in this box if it is a production or development or repair part
Typically includes cause, immediate corrective action, long term corrective action, implementation date, implementation serial number or batch number etc. Can be used to note log number that references electronic corrective action form.

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