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SAE J1193 pdf download

SAE J1193 pdf download.Nomenclature and Dimensions for Hydraulic Excavators.
1.1 Purpose—The purpose of this recommended practice is to establish a uniform method of providing dimensional specifications and nomendalure for mobile hydraulic excavators.
2. Ref ererices
2.1 Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of the specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise Indicated the latest revision of SAE publications shail apply.
21.1 SAE PuBUCATIONS—Available from SAE, 400 Commoreafth Drive, Warrendale, R 15096-0001
SAE J695—Turning Ability and Ott Trackrng—Motoc Vehides
SAE J1057—ldenhiticalion Terrnmology of Earthmnoving Machines
SAE J1234—Speciflcat,on Definitions—Off-Road Work Machines
3. ThIs recommended practice includes the nomenclature peculiar to and most commonly used to descnbe this type of equipment. The illustrations are not intended to be descriptive of any existing machine and are used only to clarify the mearing of tIes recommended practice.
4. The numbered terms are nomendature and ply to Figures 1 to 7, as applicable.
5. The single letter dimensions apply to Figures 1, 2, and 3 and are primarily to define machine size,
6. The double toner dimensions apply to Figures 4, 5, 6, and 7 which Illustrate the functional range of the common types of hydraulic excavators.
7. For dimensions relative to tixrng radius of rubber tired machines, refer to SAE J695.
8. All dimensions are based on machines setting on a groundline that provides firm level support. Rubber tired machines are on manufacturers specified tires inflated to specified pressure, crawler tradc shoes do not penetrate grouncline.

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