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SAE J1299 pdf download

SAE J1299 pdf download.Electrical Propulsion Control—Off-Road Dumpers.
1. This SAE Information Report applies to the control circuits and devices associated with the electrical propulsion system used on electric drive dumpers. Dumper is defined in JIISO 6165. The document does not apply to auxiliary equment control systems such as:
a. Battery charging systems
b. Engine winng and control
c. Mortitonrig and Control Circuits riot directly atfecting the uperatio of the electric propulsion and retarding system
d. Lighting
e. Accessory systems (heating, air conditioning, horns, radios, emergency steering, fire protection, and similar functions).
1.1 Purpose—This document establishes requirements for the control circuits and control devices of the electric propulsion system of an electric drive dumper. Criteria are established for environmental service conditions. control systems requirements, control device operational requirements and control tests.
2. References
2.1 Applicable Publications—The following publations form a part of the specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated. the latest revision of SAE publications shall apply.
2.1.1 SAE PUBuCATIONS—Available from the Society of Automotive Engineers, 400 Commonwealth Drive. Wanendaie, R 15096-0001
• SAE JI1SO 6165 MAY99—Earthmoving Machinery – Basic Types – Vocabulary
3. Definition of Terms
3.1 Dynamic Retarding—A method of slowing the dumper, or controlling its speed downgrade, by the controlled conversion of the dumper’s kinetic energy to electrical power. A commonly used method is to dissipate this electncal power as heat through retarding resistors. These resistors may be:
a. Natural convection retarding resistors which dissipate heat to air circulated through the resistors by natural convection: or
b. Forced convection retarding resistors which dissipate heat to air forced through the resistors by a blower or fan,
3.2 Extended Range Retarding—The shunting out of a portion of the retarding resistors to maintain a high level of dynamic retarding effort at Pow dumper speeds.
3.3 Overspeed Retarding—The automatic application of dynamic retarding at, or above, a selected dumper speed.
3.4 Routine Tests—Tests carried out on all electromechanical control devices and electronic assemblies prior to shipping by the supplier.
3.5 Type Tests—Tests carried out on one or more electromechanical control devices and electronic assemblies 01 a new or modified functional design to determine conformance to design requirements.
3.6 U—Represents rated value of supply voltage (nominal voltage).
4. Service Conditions—The control shall perform within the design limits at altitudes up to 3000 m above sea level and at ambient temperatures between -40 and +50 C.
Special arrangements shall be agreed upon between user and manufacturer to cover the case of service conditions more severe than those mentioned above.
5. Control System
5.1 MaIn Control Enclosure—When locating and/or constructing the main control enclosure, malfunctions due to the environment, dust, material spillage, fluid leakage, and/or rejected heat from other equipment shall be considered.
Equipment should be accessible for service, monitoring, and/or replacement,
5.2 Arrangement of Equipment—Components within the enclosure should be arranged In groups corresponding to voltage level of the circuit which they control. For example:
a. Traction power and retarding transmission systems
b. Excitation systems
c. Control systems
Individual components shall be identilled indicating their lunction within the system. The designation shall be readily visible on, or closely adjacent to, the component.
5.3Operator’s Controls—Both propel and retarding mode selection and modulation should be foot operated
except in the special application of trolley assist.
Dumper direction control should be hand operated and shall, in addition to forward and reverse, include aneutral position.
Voltage in excess of 100 v shall not be used on the operator’s controls.
5.4 Circuit Requirements—The circuitry to accomplish the retarding function shall not be disabled by equipment
protection devices unless provided with an override either automatic or accessible to the operator while driving.
The circuitry shall provide for the override of the propel function by the retarding function. Otherwise,except asmay be required for the braking systems, the propel function shall be completely under the manual control ofthe operator at all times.lf the propel function is disabled when the service brakes are applied,a manualoverride of this disable feature shall provide for forward operation of the dumper.The propel function shall notbe latched except in the special applications of trolley assist. This paragraph does not apply to remotecontrolled dumpers.
The transition time between the propel and retarding functions shall not exceed 8 s and is preferably less than 4 s.

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