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SAE J1624 pdf download

SAE J1624 pdf download.Fuel Crossover Line.
3.4 Unprotected End—The end of a crossover line is unprotected whenever:
3.4.1 Its end fittings are located within 25 cm (10 in) vertically of the bottom of the tank and in the rear view the distance between the end of the crossover line support and the fuel tank surface exceeds 16cm (6 in).
3.4.2 Any portion of the crossover line between the end of the crossover line support and the tank extends below the bottom of the tank or the level of the crossover line support.
3.5 Forward—The same direction and orientation as toward the front of the vehicle when the fuel system is Installed in the vehicle.
3.6 Rearward—The same direction and orientation as toward the rear of the vehicle when the fuel system is installed in the vehicle.
4. Crossover Line Tests
4.1 Facilities and Equipment
4.1.1 TEST Bucx—The testing procedure may utilize a test buck consisting of supported and braced frame rail sections and associated cross members at least the length of the fuel tanks, the fuel tanks and their supports, crossover line and supports, and any related structure cx components, A vehide may be used for the testing procedure provided there is sufficient clearance for the test fixture defined in 4.1.2 to be moved through the testing zone without contacting anything except the crossover line andjor its supporting structure.
4.1.2 TEST FIXTURE FOR THE CROSSOVER LINE SuP’ORT TEST—Will be: Fabricated from 10 cm (4 in) x 10 cm (4 in) commercial grade material with a minimum wall thickness of
0.63 cm (0.25 in). Oriented so that one of the flat 10cm (4 in) sides is perpendicular to the rearward direction of the vehicle.
4.12.3 The test fixture system shall maintain an anglo of 15 degrees from vertical ±2 degrees when a force of
22 240 N (5000 Ib) is applied horizontally 1.2 cm (0.5 in) below the top of the fixture. Free of nicks and gouges on the contacting surface.
4.1.3 TEST FIXTURE FOR THE UNPROTECTED END TEsT—will be: Fabricated from 5 cm (2 in) x 5 cm (2 in) commercial grade malerial with a minimum wall Ihicliness of 0.63cm (0.25 in). Oriented so that one of the flat 5 cm (2 in) sides is perpendicular to the rearward direction of the vehicle. The test fixture system shall maintain an angle of 10 degrees from vertical ±2 degrees when a force of 8900 N (2000 Ib) is applied 1.2 cm (0.5 in) below the top of the fixture. Free of nicks and gouges on the contacting surface.
4.1.4 DATA The horizontal force applied by the fixture to the crossover line and its supporting structure as the fixture moves will be recorded so that the work done to deflect the crossover line system can be determined. Fuel System AJI fuel tanks in the system will be filled to 75% or more of their nominal capacity by volume with water, waler soluble oil, or Stoddard solvent. Any shut ott valves in the crossover line system wiM be tufly open.
4.2.2 TEST PROCEDURE—The test fixture will be moved rearward at a rate of at least 25 mm/s (1 mIs) not more than 125 mm/s (5 mis), parallel with and centered between the frame rails while the data enumerated in 4.1.4, is recorded. The test fixture will be moved rearward until either: The crossover line fails to resist a load, or The crossover line support withstands an applied load of 22 240 N (5000 ), or
42.2.3 The test fixture no longer contacts the crossover line or the crossover line support.
4.2.3 REQUIRED PERFORMANCE Except as allowed in, the fuel system may not leak more than 300 mL (10 fI oz) of liquid during the
10 mm following the initiation of the load application. The provisions of will not apply if the amount of work done to the crossover line system determined from the area under the lorce – distance curve exceeds 4800 Joules (3540 lb-fl) prior to any fuel system leakage.
4.3 Unprotected End Test
4.3.1 APPLICATION—Any fuel system having an unprotected crossover line end as defined in 3.4 will be subjected to the test procedure in 4.3.
4.3.2 lNinij. CONDITIONS—At the start of each Unprotected End Test the following conditions will be observed: Test Fixture Location—See Figures 3, 4. and 5. The test fixture as described in 4.1.3 will be.

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