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SAE J1862 pdf download

SAE J1862 pdf download.(R) Fuel lnjection System Fuel Pressure Regulator and Pressure Damper.
This SAE Recommended Practice promotes uniformity in the evaluation and qualification tests conducted on fuel pressure regulators and pressure dampers used in gasoline engine applications, Its scope is limited to fuel pressure regulators and dampers used in automotive port and throttle body fuel injection systems where fuel supply pressure is below 1000 kPa It is further restricted to bench type tests. More specifically, this document is Intended for use as a guide to the following:
a Identify and define those parameters that are used to measure fuel pressure regulator and pressure damper characteristics of performance. The parameters included In this document are:
1. Slope
2. Operating Flow Range
3. Repeatability
4. Hysteresis
5. Dynamic Response
b. Establish test procedures and recommend test equipment and methods to measure and quantify these parameters.
c. Establish test procedures and recommend test equipment and methods to quantity simulated field reliability over the life of the component.
d. Standardize the nomenclature as related to fuel pressure regulation and pressure damping for fuel injection systems.
e. Except where stated, test results are recorded for Individual paris. Where population charactenstics are reported. the sample size, selection method, and analysis technique must be explicitly stated.
2. References
2.1 Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of the specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest revision of SAE publications shall apply.
2.1.1 SAE PuBucATIONs—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive. Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.
SAE J306—Autornotive Gear Lubricant Viscosity Classification
SAE J308—Axle and Manual Transmission Lubricants
SAE J310—Auto,notive Lubricating Greases
SAE J31 3—Diesel Fuels
SAE J814—Engine Coolants
SAE J1541—Fuel Injection Nomenclature—Spark Ignition Engines
g. Data Required—A minimum of the previous four measurements should be made from the specified lower to upper flow rates inclusive. More intermediate points may be used if desired.
Determine the best fit slope for me data using least squares linear regression analysis techniques for data reduction. If data vanes by more than ±2% from linear, the lower andlor upper specified limits may have to be reset or the larger erro from linear must be noted with the slope.
Report slope as: xx.x kPaI(g/s) over the specified flow rate range.
h. Reported Population Data—Determine the regulator slopes for a random sample of regulators representative of a normal production distribution. Determine the sample mean (Xe) and standard deviation (s) of the slopes. Report the population slope as the sample mean (Xe) ± four times the sample standard deviation (4 s): xx.xx ± x.x kPa/(g/s) over the specdied flow range.
a. Definition—The range of fluid flow rate over which the pressure regulatOr response is linear (to within 2%) with respect to flow rate Figures 9A and 98.
b. Background—The flow range should equal or exceed the operating flow range the regulator will be exposed to in an actual application.
c. Objective—To measure the minimum and maximum regulator fluid flow rates between which the regulator pressure response is linear with respect to flow rate.
d. Test Apparatus—See 6.2.1, 6.2.4, and 6.2.9.
e. Test ConditIons—See 5.1 through 5.6.
I. Test Method:
1. Slowly increase test fluid pressure until fluid just starts to flow through the regulator (approximately
2. Gradually increase flow rate, while measuring regulator pressure, until the pressure response becomes nonlinear or the test stand capability is reached. Allow regulator to stabilize at each measurement point.
g. Data Required—Flow rate measurement increments must be small enough to accurately determine the flow range, within ±10% at minimum flow rate. ±5% at maximum.
Usln9 least squares linear regression analysis lot data reduction, for the data points In the specified flow rate range. determine the minimum and maximum regulator fluid flow rates between which the regulator pressure response is linear with respect to flow rate to within ±2%. If the maximum flow rate Is beyond the capability of the test stand (at least 75 g)s), specify the test stand maximum flow rate followed by a plus sign.
Report operating flow range of the test specimen as—xx.x g)s to xxx gis. See Figure 9A.
h. Reported Population Data—Measure the regulator pressures at a series of flow points as specified lot a random sample of regulators representative of a normal production distribution. Determine the sample mean pressure (X1) and standard deviation (sb) at each flow point. Determine the slope over the specified flow rate range using least squares linear regression of the mean pressure values (Xi). Plot the deviation from the determined slope and the ±4 s: values for each flow point (see Figure 9). The maximum value of the operating flow range is the flow value where the ÷4 s pressure deviates by 2% from the linear regression slope, and the minimum value of the operating flow range is the flow value where the —4 s1 pressure deviates by 2% from the linear regression Slope. Report the population operating flow range as: xx.x g/s to xxx g/s minimum. See Figures 9B.

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