SAE J189 pdf download
SAE J189 pdf download.Power Steering Return Hose-Low Pressure.
1. This SAE Standard covers hose fabricated from fabric braid and synthetic rubber, assembled with end fittings or user applied clamps for use In automotive power steering applications as flexible connections within the temperature range of —40 C to +120 C (—40 F to 250 F) average and 135 C (275 F) maximum peaks. Hose assemblies shall be suitable for 1.72 MPa (250 psi) maximum working pressure with end fittings and 0.69 MPa (100 psi) maximum working pressure with user applied damps.
2. References
2.1 ApplIcable Publications—The following publications torm a part of this specification to the extent specified herein.
2.1.1 ASTM PusucAnoNs—Available from ASTM. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.
ASTM D 380—Methods of Testing Rubber Hose
ASTM D 413—Tests for Adhesion of Wlcanized Rubber (Friction Test)
3. Hose Construction—The construction of this hose embodies a smooth bore inner tube of suitable synthetic rubber material reinforced with one ply of braided fabric and covered with a synthetic rubber outer cover.
4. DImension—Suggested hose dimensions are given in Table 1B, but it is not the intent of this document to exdude hose with different dimensions that comply with all other requirements of this document.
In addition, concentricity based on full indicator reading between the inside bore and the outer surface of the hose shall not exceed 0.076 an (0.030 in).
9. Test Requirements
9.1 Impulse Test—(Not applicable to hose assembled with user applied clamps.)
a. Oil Temperature: 135 °C (275 °F)
b. Ambient Temperature: 135 C i 6 C (275 F ± 10 °F)
c. Cyde Rate: 30 to 40 per minute
d. Cycle Data: Pressure rise time, O.20s ± 0.10 s. High pressure hold time, 0.65 s ±
0.20 s. Pressure drop time, 0.20 S s 0,10 S.
e. Pressure Variation: 0 to 172.4 kPa (0 to 25 psi) to the maximum recommended working
pressure as specified in Table lB.
9.1.2 HYDRAULIC FLUID AND 1sT FucruRE—As specified by the orinal equipment manufacturer,
9.1.3 CYCLE LIFE—Samples submitted to this test shaM exceed 100 000 cycles for Inspection acceptance and
225 000 cycles for qualification testing, without failure,
9,2 Tensile Test—When tested in accordance with ASTM D 380, end fittings shall withstand a minimum tensile load as shown in Table 1 B without the fittrngs pulling oft or rupture of the hose.
9.3 Low Temperature FlexibilIty—Samples shall be subjected to a temperature of —40 C * 1 °C (—40 °F * 2 °F) for a period of 24 h. after which the hose shall be flexed in the cold chamber through 180 degrees from the centerline around a mandrel whose diameter is eight times the nominal hose OD. Flexing shall be accomplished within 3 to 5 s. Hose shall not fracture or show any cracks, checks, or breaks in the tube or cover.
9.4 AdhesIon Test—When tested in accordance with ASTM D 413, a pull of not less than 35.586 N (8 Ib) shall be reqLired to separate a 1 in wide ring section of the bond between any adlacent layers of the hose.
9.5 BurstIng Strength—Samples shall meet the minimum bursting strength requirements shown in Table I B.
9.6 Ozone Resistance—The outer cover of the hose shall show no cracking when examining the cover of the hose under 7X magnification, ignoring the areas immediately acacent to or within the area covered by the binding.
Bend the hose around a cylinder, the diameter of which shall be seven times the nominal outside diameter of the hose, and bind the ends. The cylinder and binding shall be made of metal or materials that prevent the consumption of ozone. lithe hose collapses when bent around the cylinder, provide for internal support of the hose.
Condition the hose, on the cylinder, for 24.0 h ± 0.5 h at room temperature, and then place it in an exposure chamber containing air mixed with ozone In the proportion of 50 pphm ± 5 ozone In air by volume, for 70 to 72 h. Ambient air temperature in chamber during test shall be 40 C i 3 C (104 F ± 5 CF).
Examine the cover of the hose for cracks under 7X magnification, ignoring the areas Immediately adjacent to or within the area covered by the binding.