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SAE J1967 pdf download

SAE J1967 pdf download.(R) Retroreflective Materials for Vehicle Conspicuity.
This SAE Recommended Practice applies to retroreflective materials that are used on truck tractors and trailers 2032 mm or more in overall width and with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) over 4536 kg. and school buses. The retroreflective materials for the truck tractors and trailers are super-high-intensity materials containing microprisrns. The retroreflective materials for school buses may contain flexible non. exposed glass bead lens or micropnsms
1.1 Purpose—This document establishes test procedures and related requirements for identifying and evaluabng retroreflective materials intended for use in passive devices used to enhance the conspicuity 01 vehicles at nighttime.
Conspicuity materials meeting the requirements of this document are Intended to be In compliance with FMVSS-108 which references ASTM 0 4956 Type V materials, The specifications in this document are not intended to apply to materials used for commercial identification, advertising, or similar graphics. Their use is outside the scope of this document. School bus reiroreflective materials specified in this document are intended to comply with the requirements of FMVSS-217 and FMVSS-131.
2. References
2.1 Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest Issue of referenced publications shall apply.
2.1.1 SAE PuBUCATI0NS—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale. PA 15096-0001.
SAE J576—Plastic Materials for Use in Optical Parts Such as Lenses and Reflectors of Motor Vehicle Ughting Devices
SAE P59—Lighting Identification Code
SAE J21 39—Tests for Lighting Devices and Components Used on Vehicles 2032 mm or More in Overall Width
2.1.2 ASTM PuBLICATIONS—AVailable from ASTM. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.
ASTM B 117—Method of Salt Spray (Fog) Testing
ASTM 0 4956—Standard Specification for Retroreflective Sheeting for Traffic Control
21.3 FMVSS PuBLIcATIONS—AvaIlable from the Superintendent 01 Documents. U. S. Government Printing Office, Mail Slop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-9320.
FMVSS 1 08—4..amps, Reflective Devices, and Associated Equipment
FMVSS 131 —School Bus Pedestrian Safety Devices
FMVSS 21 7—Bus Emergency Exits and Window Retention and Release
2.2 Related Publications—The following publications are provided for information purposes only and are not a required part of this document.
2.2.1 ASTM PUBUCATIONs—Available from ASTM. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.
ASTM E 1 347—Color and Color-Difference Measurement by Tristimulus (Filter) Colormetry
ASTM E 1349—Test Method for Reflectance Factor and Color by Spectrophotometry Using Bidirectional Geometry
ASTM E 308—Test Method for Computing the Colors of Objects by Using the CIE System
ASTM E 810—Standard Test Method for Coefficient Retroreflection of Retrorefleclive Sheeting
ASTM E 1164—Standard Practice for Obtaining Spectropholometric Data for Object-Color Evaluating
ASTM G-23—Recommended Practice for Operating Light and Water Exposure Apparatus (Carbon-Arc Type.) for Exposure of Non• Metallic Materials
2.2.2 GOVERNMENT Pu&ICATIONS—Available from the Superintendent of Documents. U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.
DOT-HS-806-098-(Department of Transportatiori)-lmproved Vehicle Conspicuity and Signaling Systems; Task II, Vector Research
DOT-HS-807-81 5 (Department of Transportation) Performance Requirements for Large Truck Conspicuity Enhancements.
CIE 39-2 (TC-1 .6)—(Commission lnternationale de LEclairageilnternational Commission on Illumination) Recommendations for Surface Colours for Visual Signaling
Austin & Forrester; Visibility Characteristics of Large Vehicle Conspicuity Marking. October, 1988 (unpublished)
3. Definitions
3.1 Conspicuily—The ability of an object to be noticed and recognized without confusion or ambiguity.
3.2 DaytIme—The period when an object is diuminated primarily by natural sunlight, either direct or diffused by weather or clouds; the period when headlamps are not required for road illumination.
3.3 GraphIcs—Markings, illustrations, or other Identifying devices on observable surfaces of a vehicle.
3.4 Passive Devices—Devices which require no electrical power or internal illumination, but which are instead made visible by retroreflection from external light sources.
3.5 NIghttime—The period when an object Is illuminated solely or primarily by artificial light, such as the headlamps of the vehicle of the observer, The period when headlanips are required to be illuminated.
3.6 Retroreflectlon—The process by which illumination is returned by an object directly or generally back to the source of that illumination; reflection characterized by the flux in an incident beam being returned in directions dose to the direction from which it came, this effect occurring over a wide range of incidence angles.

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