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SAE J2139 pdf download

SAE J2139 pdf download.(Rt)Tests for Signal and Marking Devices Used on Vehicles 2032 mm or More in overall Width.
2. References
2.1 Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of the specification to me extent specified horein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest revision of SAE publications shall apply.
2.1.1 SAE PuhucATloNs—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale. PA 15096-0001.
SAE J387—Terminolo9y—Motor Vehicle Lighting
SAE J575—Tests for Motor Vehicle Lighting Devices and Components for Use on Vehicles Less than 2032 mm in Overall Width
SAE J57&—Plastic Materials for Use in Optical Parts Such as Lenses and Reflectors of Motor Vehicle Lighting Devices
SAE J577 JUN1973—Vibiation Test Machine
SAE J578—Color Specification
SAE J 1 330—Photometry Laboratory Guidelines
SAE J 1 455—Joint SAE/TMC Recommended Environmental Practices for Electronic Equipment Design
SAE J1889—LED Lighting Devices
SAE J2357—Application Guidelines for Electronically Driven and/or Controlled Exterior Automotive Lighting Equipment
2.1.2 ASTM PUBUCATIoNS—Available from ASTM. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.
ASTM B 117—Method of Salt Spray (Fog) Testing
ASTM C 150-84—Specification for Portland Cement
ASTM E 308-85-—Standard Method for Computing th€ Colors of Objects by Using the CIE System
3. Definitions
3.1 Discharge Signal Lighting (DSL) System—A vehicular lighting system used in signal and marking applications. The DSL system is composed of a discharge light source, interconnecting wiring, and a signal or marking lighting assembly.
3.2 Discharge Light Source—An electric light source in which light is produced by a stabilized electric discharge through an ionized gas. The light source consists of a sealed glassItube envelope wall and ballast. The size. shape, and color will depend on the application. (For example, but not limited to: neon, or fluorescent lamps.)
3.3 Light Emitting Diode (LED) Lighting Device—A lighting device in which light is produced by an LED or an array of LED’s.
3.4 Lighting Device Light Center—The geometric center of the light source or sources used to illuminate the device function or the geometric center of the illuminated area If the light output is produced indirectly.
3.5 Incandescent Lighting Device—A lighting device in which light is produced by a filament being heated to incandescence by an electrical current,
3.6 Integrated Electronic Component—Electronic component(s) integrated within the housing of the lamp assembly or physically inseparable from the lighting device used to produce the desired output.
3.7 Sample—Samples submitted for test shall be representative of the device as regularly manufactured and marketed. Each sample shall be securely mounted on the test fixture in its design position and shall include all accessory equipment necessary to operate the device in its normal manner.
3.8 Sealed Lighting Devices—Lighting devices that do not allow the passage of gas or water between the interior environment and the exterior environment.
3.9 Test Fixture—Fixture specifically designed to support the device in its designed operating position during a laboratory test.
3.10 VIbration Test Fixture—A fixture specifically designed to support the device in its operating position dunng the vibration test. The fixture shall not have a resonant frequency in the test range.
4. Tests—The following sections describe the individual tests which need not be performed in any particular sequence, except as noted in the test procedure. Unless otherwise specified all tests will be done at an ambient room temperature of 25 °C ± 5 C. The completion of the tests may be expedited by performing the tests simultaneously on separately mounted samples.
However, it is recommended that the design of each device be evaluated to determine If the vratIon test or the warpage test affect other tests, in which case, those tests shall be performed first.
4.1 VIbration Test—This test evaluates the ability of the sample device to resist damage from vibration-induced stresses. This test is not intended to test the vibration resistance of bulb filaments, but may be used to evaluate the effects of vibration-induced stresses on shock-mounted devices.
4.1.1,1 See SAE J577 JUN73 for details of vibration test machine.

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