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SAE J2289 pdf download

SAE J2289 pdf download.Electric Driver Battery Pack System Functional Guidelines.
The term battery used throughout this document implies the complete energy storage system and it’s auxiliaries, which are used to deliver power and energy to an electric vehicle traction system.
Design of aqueous electrolyte battery modules and cells as to electrochemical performance and design are defined in SAE J 1797, and referenced here. An electric drive battery system as described here may be designed to meet the safety and crash requirements of SAE J1766 and SAE J234.4. The requirements outlined in this document are intended to guide the vehicle manufacturer’s In understanding the environmental conditions that a well designed battery pack should be able to withstand. It is the manufacturers discretion as to what tests and test limits to implement.
This SAE Intormation Report describes common practices for design of battery systems for vehicles that utilize a rechargeable battery to provide or recover all or some traction energy for an electric drive system. It includes product description, physical requirements, electrical requirements, environmental requirements, safety requirements, storage and shipment characteristics, and labeling requirements. It also covers termination, retention, venting system, thermal management, and other features. This document does describe guidelines in proper packaging of the battery to meet the crash performance criteria detailed in SAE J1766. Also described are the normal and abnormal conditions that may be encountered in operation of a battery pack system
1.1 Purpose—This document provides the guidelines for designing a battery system to package into manufacturer’s electric drive vehicles. It lays the foundation for electric vehicle battery systems and provides information to assist in developing a robust battery system.
1.2 Field of ApplIcation—This document applies to vehicles using electrically rechargeable storage traction batteries that provides energy and power to an electric drive system for propulsion, namely Electric Vehicles and some Hybrid Electric Vehicles.
This document does not fully address all guidelines for mechanically rechargeable battery systems. Users of mechanically recharged batteries should evaluate applicability of individual sections of this document.
1.3 Product Classification—The battery system is a vehicle subsystem that provides all or some of the traction power and energy for vehicles using electric drive systems.
This document does not apply to low voltage non-traction battery supply systems.
1.4 Product Description—A battery system Is the complete set of assemblies required to supply traction power and energy to an electric vehicle drive system. A battery pack is a single assembly with batteries that is part of a Battery System. In some cases a single pack may comprise the complete Battery System.
Electric Drive vehicles may require an electrically rechargeable secondary battery to provide motive traction power and energy as well as power and energy for incidental loads like power steering, heating and air conditioning, FMVSS mandated extenor lighting, controls, customer convenience features. etc. The battery can also represent a significant physical load to the vehicle in terms of mass, volume, and controls complexity. Consequently, the battery exerts a significant factor in vehicle design.
2. References
2.1 Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest issue of SAE publications shall apply. Where applicable the specific subsection references will be made.
2.1.1 SAE PuoLIcA’no,4s—AvaiIabIe from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 5096•0001 and can be obtained online via the Internet at http:www.sae.com.
SAE J551—Performance Levels of Methods of Measurement of Electromagnetic Radiation from Vehicles and Devices
SAE Ji 21 1—Recon’iniended Practice for Equipment Design
SAE J1 555—Recommended Practice for Optimizing Automotive Daniagability
SAE J1654—High Voltage Primary Cable
SAE J1673—High Voltage Terminals and Connectors
SAE J 171 5—Electric Vehicle Terminology
SAE Ji 718—Recommended Practice for Measurement of Hydrogen Gas Emission from Battery Powered Passenger Cars and Light Trucks During Battery Charging
SAEJ 1 766—Reconirnended Practice for Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Battery Systems Crash Integrity Testing
SAE Ji 742—Connections for High Voltage On-Board Road Vehicle Electrical Wiring
SAE Ji 772—SAE Electric Vehicle Conductive Charge Coupler
SAE Ji 773—Electric Vehicle Inductive Charge Coupling Recommended Practice
SAE J1797—Recon,mended Practice for Packaging Battery Modules
SAE Ji 798—Recommended Practice for Pertormance Rating of Electric Vehicle Battery Modules
SAE Ji 850—Recommended Practice for Multiplex Communications
SAE J21 84—Recommended Practice for Service (Garage Ltting Locations)
SAE J2288—Reconimended Practice for Life Cycle Testing of Electric Vehicle Battery Modules
SAEJ2293-2—Energy Transfer System for Electric Vehicles Part 2: Communication Requirements and Network Architecture
SAE J2344—Recommended Practice for Electric Vehicle Safety Standards
SAE J2380—Vibation Testing of Electric Vehicle Batteries
2.1.2 BATTERY COUNCIL b.ITERNA11ONAL (BCI) P.€ucATIoN—Available from 401 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago.

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