SAE J232 pdf download
SAE J232 pdf download.lndustrial Rotary Mowers.
This SAE Standard establishes performance criteria for towed, semirnounted. or mounted and arm type rotary mowers with one or more blade assemblies of 77.5 cm blade tip circle diameter or over, mounted on a propelling tractor or machine of at least 15 kW. intended for marketing as industrial mowing equipment and designed for cutting grass and other growth in public use areas such as parks, cemeteries, and along roadways and highways.
The use of the word industriar is not to be confused with ‘rn-plant industrial equipment. This document does not apply to;
a. Turf care equment primarily designed for personal use, consumption, or enjoyment of a consumer in or around a permanent or temporary household or residence.
b. Equipment designed primarily for agricultural purposes but which may be used for industrial use.
c. Self•powered or self •propelied mowers or mowing machines.
2. Retegences
2.1 Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of the specification to the extent specified
herein. lJnIes5 otherwise indicated, the latest revision of SAE publications shall apply.
2.1.1 SAE PLucATIoNs—Available from SAE. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 150960001.
SAE J115 FEBI99S—Safety Signs—(ASAE S441.1)
• SAE .J517 APR2001 —Hydraulic Hoses
SAE J920 SEP1985—Technical Publications for Agncultural Equipment—(ASAE EP363.1 DEC97)
SAE J1 150 JUL1997—Temiinology for Agricultural Equiprnent—ASAE S390.1)
SAE Ji 170 JUN9I—Rear Power Take-oft for Agricultural Tractors
2.1.2 ASAE PuBLICATIoNs—Available from 2950 Niles Road, Saint Joseph, Ml 49085-9601.
ASAE S203.13—Front and Rear Power Take-Off for Agricultural Tractors
ASAE S21 7.11—Three-Point Free-Link Hitch Attachment of Imptements to Agncultural Wheeled Tractors
ASAE S278.6 JAN200I—Three-Point Hitch. implement Quick-Attaching Coupler, Agricultural Tractors
ANSIASAE S3 18.14 SE P99—Safety for Agricultural Field Equipment
ASAE S483—Rotary Mower Blade Ductility Test
2.1.3 ASTM PUBLICATIONS—Available from ASTM. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken. PA 19428-2959. ASTU D 2529-74—Test for Bursting Strength of Paperboard and linerboard
ASTM D 2738-71—Test for Bursting Strength of Corrugated and Solid Fiberboard a Definitions—I See also SAE JI 150 JUL1997)
3.1 Arm Type Mower—Mowers which are intended to be used frequently with the cutter portion not adjacent or parallel to the ground.
3.2 Functional Component—A working mechanism of an attachment or implement designed to perform a specific task such as the cutting blade of a rotary mower.
3.3 Guarded by Location—A potential hazard is so guarded when it is covered by other paris or components of the machine, or because of its remote location, inadvertent contact is minimized during normal operation or servicing.
3.4 Hit—8upture of the front layer but not the back layer of the thrown object target material by a test projectile.
3.5 Inadvertent Contact—Contact between a person and a moving machinery part hazard, or other type of
hazard, resulting from the persons unintentional actions during normal operation.
3.6 Moving Machinery Part Hazard—A source 01 polential Injury created by moving machinery parts which can cause serious injury upon contact or by entanglement of personal apparel. This includes, but is not limited to, the pinch points of power driven gears, run-on points of belts and chains, and projections on rotating parts.
3,7 Normal Operating Position—The space within operator zone occupied by the operator while operating mower. The operator is sitting on the seat with hands on the steering controls and feet on controls or areas provided for foot placement. For Operator zone, see Figures 1, 2, and 3.
I3.8 Power Take-Off (PTO)—An external shaft on the rear of a tractor to provide rotational power to implements
(ASAE S203.13).
3,9 Implement Input Driveline (IID)—Two universal joints and their connecting member(s) and fastening means for transmitting rotational power from the tractor PTO to the implement input connection. A double Cardan, constant velocity joint Is considered a single joint. The lID also includes integral shielding where provided. Reference ASAE S318,14 SEP99).
3.10 Propelling Machine—A tractor or self •propelled machine.
3.11 Puncture—The rupture of all layers of the thrown object target material by a test projectile.
3.12 Rotary Mower—A power mower In which one or more functional components cut or shear by Impact and rotate about an axis perpendicular to the cutting plane,
3.13 Standard Test Operator—A person weighing 95 kg ±5 kg and standing 188cm ±5cm.
3.14 ShIeld (or Guard)—A barrier which minimizes inadvertent personal contact with hazards created by moving machinery parts.
3.15 Target Material—iSO kg uncoated corrugated board, specification paper weight 41 kg-12 kg-41 kg B flute per ASTM 0 2738 and 0 2529 (see Figure 4).