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SAE J2422 pdf download

SAE J2422 pdf download.Cab Roof Strength Evaluation-Quasi-Static Loading Heavy Trucks.
1. This SAE Recommended Practice describes the test procedures for conducting quasi-static cab roof strength tests for heavy-truck applications. Its purpose is to establish recommended test procedures which will standardize the procedure for heavy trucks. Descriptions of the test set-up, test instrumentation, photographicMdeo coverage, and the test fixtures are included.
2. References
2.1 ApplIcable Publications—The following publications form a part of the specification to the extent specified herein, Unless otherwise indicated the latest revision of SAE publications shall apply.
2.1.1 SAE PuJcATIoNs—Availabie from SAE. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001. SAE J211 Instrumentation for Impact Test—Part 1: Electronic Instrumentation SAE J21 1-2—Instrumentation for Impact Test—Part 2: Photographic Instrumentation
SAE J826—Oevlces for Use In DefirNng and Measunng Vehicle Seating Accommodation SAE J 151 6—Accommodation Tool Ref erence Point
SAE CRP-9-—”Heavy Truck Crashworthiness (Statistics, accident Reconstruction. Occupant Dynamics Simulation)”, March 1995.
SAE CRP-13—l’leavy Truck Crashworthiness (Phase lll), April 1997.
ECE Regulation 29: Uniform Provisions Concerning the Approval of Velicles with Regard to the Protection of the Occupants of the Cab of a Commercial Vehicle.
3. Definitions
3.1 Platen—A structurally stiff, flat plate.
3.2 Cab Mount—The component or components used to connect the cab to the chassis frame rails.
3.3 Static Stability Position—The roll position at which a vehicle woulo be statically balanced on either luff- or right-side wheels
7. Cab Mounting—The cab shall be evaluated with its standard cab mounts. The cab mounts shall either be mounted to the vetWde’s stock frame rails or to a simulated chassis that locate the cab mounts in their standard location and orientation. It testing is conducted using actual frame rails, the frame rails shall be rigidly attached to the ground. It a simulated chassis Is used, it shall not deform during the test. Hardware used to attach the cab mounts to the simulated chassis shall be the same type and strength as the standard hardware used to attach the cab mounts to the standard chassis.
Cab mounts employing pneumatic ride control should be pressurized to produce the manufacturer recommended ride height.
If the vehicle always includes a body or other structural member that will influence the cabs motion, the body or structure may be included on the simulated chassis.
Care should be taken to insure that only the structural members always on the vehicle provide the load path to ground. Unless specifically identified, such as the vertical roof load platen conditions, the test fixtures should not influence the motion of the vehides standard equipment.
8. InstrumentatIon—To record the load applied to the cab structure, load cells shall be installed between the platen and its supporting structure. For the dynamic pre-load phase, the measured load must be scaled to obtain the load applied to the cab as follows:
WTOTAL – Combined weight of the platen and supporting structure
WSUPRT = Total weight minus the platen weight
The displacement of the platen shall also be measured and recorded. For the dynamic pie-load phase. one method for measuring platen motion is to attach accelerometers to the platen or supporting structure. Displacement of the platen during the crush phase of the test is determined by twice integrating the acceleration data. All measurements should be recorded and filtered according to the most recent version of SAE J21 1-1 and J21 1-2.
To quantify the amount of intrusion of the roof into the occupant compartment during the quasi-static roofloading phase,displacement of the roof perpendicular to the cab floor should be measured. Therecommended locations for the measurement are nominally at the driver and passenger seating locations.Anyother locations of potential interest for cab intrusion should also be measured.

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