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SAE J2489 pdf download

SAE J2489 pdf download.SAE No. 2 Friction Test Machine Durability Test.
This SAE Recommended Practice is intended as the definition of a standard test, but may be subject to frequent change to keep pace with experience and technical advances. This should be kept in mind when considering its use.
The SAE No 2 Friction Test Machine is used to evaluate the friction characteristics of automatic transmission plate clutches with automotive transmission fluids. It can also be used to conduct durability tests on wet friction systems.
The specific purpose of this document is to define a Durability Test based on a specific power level selected from either the 3600 r/min Stepped Power Test or from the 6000 rlmin Stepped Power Test, for the evaluation of wet friction system performance variation as a function of number of cycles. This procedure is intended as a standard procedure for common use by both suppliers and end users.
The only variables selected by the supplier or user of the friction system are:
a. Friction Material
b. Fluid
c. Reaction Plates
These three variables must be dearly Identified wt*n reporting the results of this test. If any of the test parameters or system hardware as described in this document are changed. other than the friction material. test fluid, or reaction plates, the data may not be reported as having been obtained using this document.
This procedure is not intended to evaluate the initial coefficient or break-in characteristics. For this information, refer to SAE J2490 SAE No. 2 Friction Test Machine fIPVT Test.
2. References
2.1 Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein, Unless otherwise indicated, the latest version of SAE publications shall apply.
2.1.1 SAE PunucATioNs—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive. Warrendale. PA I 50960001.
SAE J 1 646—Glossary of Terms—1..ubricated Friction Systems
SAE J2487—SAE No. 2 Friction Test Machine 3600 r/min Stepped Power Test
SAE J2488—SAE No. 2 Friction Test Machine 6000 r/min Stepped Power Test
SAE J2490—SAE No. 2 Friction Test Machine LPVT Test
2.2 Related Publications—The following publications are for information purposes only and are not a required part of this specification.
2.2.1 SAE PUBuCATioNS—Available from SAE. 400 Commonwealth Drive. Warrendale PA 15096-0001.
SAE J286—SAE No. 2 Clutch Friction Test Machine Guidelines
SAE J1499—SAE Band Friction Test Machine (SAE) Test Machine Guidelines
2.2.2 FORD MOTOn COMPANY Pu&IcATI0N—Available froni Ford Motor Company, FSATF Committee, 35500 Plymouth Road, Box 215, Livonia Ml 48150.
Ford MERCON V Specification
2.23 GENERAL MOTOR PusucATloN—Avallable from GM Research & Development Center, General Motors Corporation, Technology Licensing, 30500 Mound Road, M)C 480-106-160. Warren Ml 48090-9055.
GM DEXRON®-lll Specification, GM6417M
2.2.4 DAPULER CHRYSLER PuBUCATION—Available from Daimler Chrysler Corporation. Engineering Standards Group. 800 Chrysler Drive East, Auburn Hills Ml 48326-2757.
Daimler Chrysler Specification MS9602
3. Test Equipment—As described in SAE J2487 and SAE J2488.
4. TypIcal Operating Conditions and Test Parameters—As descnbed in SAE J2487 and SAE J2488 depending upon the conditions selected for the Durability Test.
5. General Test information—As descnbed in the SAE J2487 and SAE J2488.
5.1 Test DescrIption—The Durability Test consists of 200 conditioning cycles. wterein the stop time is stabilized, followed by a specified number of cycles at the desired power level of either the 3600 r/min Stepped Power Test or the 6000 r!min Stepped Power Test. The conditioning cycles are run under the conditions of the first level of the Stepped Power Test selected for the Durability Tesi The Durability cycles are accumulated by repeating the 200 dynamic cycles and breakaway cycle of the selected level of the Stepped Power Test.
5.2 End of Level Inspection—Shut down test stand. At the completion of the required dynamic engagements and the breakaway measurement, the housing is opened and the dutch pack carefully removed with special attention to ensure that the plates can be reinstalled in the exact same location and order relative to adjoining plates and fixed locations In the housing. Measurements are made of the friction element thickness as noted in 5.4 of SAE J2487 and J2488. Observations of the conditions of the reaction plates and friction elements and the fluid are recorded. Photographs may be taken to show the condition of the plates and assemblies.

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