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SAE J2655 pdf download

SAE J2655 pdf download.Fastener Part Standard-Washers and Lockwashers (Inch Dimensioned).
This SAE Part Standard covers selected inch dimensaoned washers and lock washers manufactured in accordance with American Society for Mechanical Engineers dimensional standards. This SAE standard covers material most often used in ship systems and equipment but its use may be applied wherever washers of the covered materials are used. This standard permits the washers to be idenlitied and ordered by a part or identifying number (PIN) as defined in this standard.
1.1 Purpose—The purpose of this document is to assist the designer and other personnel in providing requirements and part or identifying numbers for the most commordy used washers and lock washers. A part or identification number (PIN) is normally required for all military applications and pi’ovides a useful means of communicating washer and lock washer requirements to suppliers and manufacturers In a very succinct manner.
1.2 Washer and Lock Washer Part Numbers—This document provides PINs that can be used to identify washers and lock washers covered Dy this standard. The PIN identifies the configuration (shape), nominal diameters, special features (plating and coatings), and material.
2. References
2.1 ApplIcable PublicatIons—The following documents form a part of this standard to the extent specified herein. The latest issue of the documents shad be used except in those cases where an invitation for bid of procurement contract specifically identifies the issues in effect on a particular date.
2.1.1 SAE PuaICATxDNS—Avadable from SAE. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, Web site:
www.sae.org, Tel. (724)-776-4970.
SAF AMS 2412—Silver Plating, Copper Strike. Low Bake
SAE AMS 2485—Black Oxide Coating
SAE AMS 2487—Anodic Treatment of Titanium and Titanium Alloys—Solution pH 12.4 maximum
SAE AMS 2488—Anodic Treatment, Titanium and Titanium Aloye—SOlution pH 13 or Higher
SAE J2280—Ship Systems and Equipmenl—Fasteners—Selection and Identification Requirements
2.12 ASME PueucATloNs—AvaiLable from the Amencan Society of Mechanical Engineers. 22 Law Drive. Box 2900. Fairfield, NJ 07007-2900, Web site: www.asme.org, Tel. (800)-843-2763
ASME 818.2.6—Fasteners for Use In Structural Applications
ASUE 818.18.2—InspectIon and Quality Asswance for High-Volume Machine Assembly Fasteners
ASME 818.21.1—Lock Washers (Inch Series)
ASME 818.22.1—Plain Washers
2.1.3 ASTM PualCAuo,.iS—Avaiiable from the American Society for Testing and Materials 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, P 19428-2959, Web site: www.astm.org, Tel. (610)-832-4585
ASTM A 342/A 342M—Stancfard Test Methods for Permeability of Feebly Magnetic Materials
ASTM A 380—Cleaning, Descaling and Passivallon of Stainless Steel Parts, Equipment, and Systems
ASTM B 580—Standard Specification for Anodic Oxide Coatings on Aluminum
ASTM B 695—Coatings of Zinc Mechanically Deposited on Iron and Steel
ASTM F 436—I-I ardened Steel Washers
ASTM F 11 36—Chromium/Zinc Corrosion Protective Coatings for Fasteners
ASTM F 11 37—Phosphate/Oil and Phosphate/Organic Corrosion Protective Coatings for Fasteners
ASTM F 1470—Fastener Sampling for Specified Mechanical Properties and Performance Inspection
ASTU F 1941—Electrodeposited Coatings on Threaded Fasteners (Unified Inch Screw Theacts (UN/JNR))
ASTM D 4066—Standard Classification System for Nylon Injection and Extrusion Materials
2.1.4 DEPARTMENT oc DEFENSE PURLICAriONS—Avadable from the DoD Single Stock Point – D0DSSP Building 41 Section D, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5096, Web site: http:llassist.daps.md or http:I/ assist2.daps.dla.md)qulcksearch. Tel. (215)697-2179
MIL-DTL-16232—Phosphate Coating, Heavy, Manganese or Zinc Base
OO-N-28&—Nickel-Copper-Alixninum Alloy. Wrought (UNS N05500)
NATIONAI AEROSPACE SToos—AvaIable from the Aerospace Indestries Association of America, Inc.,
1000 Wilson Boulevard. Suite 1700. Ailington, VA 22209-3901 Web site www.aia-aerospace.org. Tel. 703- 358-1000
3. Requirements
3.1 SAE Washer Standards—This washer standard utilizes ASME dwnensional standards for flat washers, helical spring lock washers and tooth type lock washers
3.2 Part or Identifying Numbers (PINS) for Selected Washers and Lock Washers—PINs are provided herein for selected washers and lock washers Io tile purpose of common logistics parts identification between designers, fastener manufacturers, construction and repair act,v,tie5 and equipment operators. Part numbers are provided for ordy those fastener configurations and materials most likely to be needed for ship systems and equipment. Figure 1 provides a part or identifying number (PIN) for selected washers and lock washers. The PIN consists of a number of fields in order as identified in Figure 1. (There are no blank spaces In the PIN.) The next to last field In the PIN, Field 4, designates the washer material and the last field, FIeld 5. If applicable designates the finish. Dimensions for various configuration washers are provided in Tables 1 through 4 as identified below:
Table 1- Nominal Dimensions for Round Flat Washers
Table 2- Nominal Dimensions for Helical Spitng Lock Washers
Table 3- Nominal Dimensions for Tooth-Lock Washers
Table 4- Nominal Dimensions for Internal/External Tooth Lock Washers
Tables 5 and 6 list the material designators for Field 4 of the PIN along with the UNS allay number and hardness requirements. Tables 5 and 6 also list recommended falishes for Field 5 of the PIN.

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