SAE J403 pdf download
SAE J403 pdf download.Chomical Compositions of SAE Carbon Steels.
In 1941, the SAE Won and Steel Division, In collaboratIon with the American Won arid Steel Institute (AISI), made a maior change in the method of expressing composition ranges for the SAE steels. The plan, as now applied, le based In general on narrower cast or heat analysis ranges ptos certain product analysis allowances on indMdual samples, ki place of the fixed ranges and limits without tolerances formerly provided for carbon and other elements ki SAE steels.
For years the variety of chemical compositions of steel has been a matter of concern lithe steel Industry Ii was recognized that production of fewer grades of steel couki result In Improved deliveries and provide a better opportunity to achieve aáwances Ii technology, manufadiaing practices, and quality, and thus develop more fuly Ihe poss,ilities of appbcatlon inherent in those grades.
Comprehensive and Wriparlial studies were directed toward determining which of the many grades being specified were the ones In most common demand, and the feasibility of combining cvmpositMns having like requirements. From these studies, the most common grades of steel have been seleded and kept In the current revision. The cast or heat chemical composition limits or ranges of these grades are given in Tables 1. 2. 3A, and 38, These cast or heat limits or ranges are subject to standard vartrnns for product analysis as given Ii SAE J409. SInce AISI Is no longer issuing steel grade designations, grades listed in this document are SAE grades.
It is recognized that chemical compositions other than those listed in the previously mentioned tables will at times be needed for specialized applications or processing. When such a steel Is required, the elements comprising the desired chemical composition are specifted in one of three ways: (a) by a minimum limi, (b) by a maximum limit, or (C) by minimum and maximum limits, termed a range.
Standard cast or he analysis Ilmis and ranges for the various elements of carbon steals are given in Table 4
In this table, range Is the arithmetical difference between the mininum and maximum limits (that is. 0.19 to 0,26 is a 0.06 range). These cast or heat limits and ranges are also subed to standard variations for product analysis as given in SAE .1409.
ISTC Dviston 1 has developed a procedure which allows for the maintenance of the grade lists in this document. This wiN involve conducting an industry-wide survey Ia solicit input. This survey will be conducted at a frequency deemed necessary by the technical committee.
Griteria have been established icr the addition to or the deletion 04 grades from the grade lists New grades will be considered based on the grade meeting a SAE grad. designation and chemistry, having a nirWmum production or consumption of 225 tonnesiyear (250 tonslyear) and has the sponsorship at at least two lndMdual users or producers. New steel compositions will be considered as Potential Standard (PS) steels. based on the gukielmes In SAE JiOSI, until such tkiie as production of the new steel achieves a level of production or usage qualifying It for consideration as a standard steel,
Deletion of grades will be by consensus based on the grade survey Deleted grades will be archived in SAE J1249.
When the cast or heat analysis Is requested to be reported to demonstrate conformance to the chemical welts shown in Tables 1 2. 3A, or 3B, in addition to the quantles of carbon, manganese, phosphorus, and stifur, the blowing elements and theb quantities shal also be reported: copper, ctwomium. nickel, molybdenum, and sjicon. When the amount of any one of these last frye elements is less thai 0.02% that analysis may be reported as ‘cO,02%.
Based on a survey question In the 1998 Grade Swv.y. Hi. grade lists have been revised such that chemistries of all product forms are now consolidated into sWigie tables, The chemistry ranges listed will be the narrowest range for the various product forms with the e*ceptlon of S content. II Is acknowledged however that due to differences m the sction size of the vaious product forms, chemical composdion demands for the product forms shouki be different to allow for adequate flezibility of steel application. These differences are reflected in Fables 4 and 5.