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SAE J883 pdf download

SAE J883 pdf download.Test Method for Determining Dimensional Stability of Automotive Textile Materials.
3. Test Specimens—A test specimen 300 mm x 300 mm shall be cut from the material to be tested with one direction parallel to the machine direction (MD) and the other direction parallel to the across machine direction
I• Conditioning—The test specimen shall be conditioned for a minimum 0124 hat 21 C ±2 °C and 50% i 5% relative humidity.
5. Procedure
5.1 Mark off accurately a 250 mm x 250 mm square concentric with the square outline ol the specimen. This can be done with indelible ink, indelible pencil, or other suitable method, on whichever side of the material is more markable. Also, mark an arrow to indicate the MD of the specimen.
5.2 Place the specimen face side up flat without wrinkles on a 4 mesh screen surface measuring a minimum of 330 mm x 330 mm. Position a similar screen over the specimen using spacers at me corners of the two screens, so that the top screen is not In contact with the top surface of the test specimen. To test more than one specimen at one time, use additional spacers and screens as required.
5.3 Immerse the specimen(s) and screens in a pan or tank of clean tap water containing 1 mt of alkytarylsultonate synthetic detergentt per 21 mL of water at 21 C for 1 h or as otherwise specified.
5.4 Remove the specimen(s) and screens from the water and allow to drip dry In an atmosphere having a temperature of 21 °C ± 2 °C and a relative humidity of 50% ± 5% for 30 mm. It more man one specimen is being tested, separate the screens so that no specimen will drip on any other specimen.
5.5 Lay the specimen(s) flat on a table top. Measure the original 250 mm square with a scale calibrated in 1.0mm. Make three measurements in both the MD and AMO directions. The measurements shall be made along the centerlines of the square and along lines parallel to and 50 mm in from each side.
A plus result indicates expansion and a minus result indicates shrinkage.
I5.7 Replace the test specimen(s) on the screens and place the specimen(s) and seens in an air-orculating oven maintained at 80 °C ± 2°C for 24 h.
5.8 Remove the specimen and screen from the oven and allow to cool in the standard atmosphere described in 5.4 for 10 mm, After cooling, place the specimen on a flat table top and remeasure as described in 55.
5.9 Average the three measurements in each direction and substitute in Equations 3 and 4.

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