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SAE J947 pdf download

SAE J947 pdf download.Glossary of Fiberboard Terminology.
1 This information report presents the terminology and definitions as used in the fiberboard industry.
2. References—There are no referenced publications specified herein.
3. Definitions—See Scope.
3.1 Fiberboard
3.1.1 DESCnIPTION—A broad general term for fibrous structures produced on any of the several types of fiber forming machines, The primary composition of these boards is normally refined cellulosic or matted wood fibers which may or may not be supplemented by the use of synthetic materials or chemical additives. The manufacture of fiberboards normally involves the formation of a wet web of suspended fibers, which is subsequently pressed, dried, and often calendared or laminated to develop desired end use properties.
3.1.2 PIIVSICAIJMECHANICAL PROPER11ES—Except for the characteristic fibrous structure, the physical properties may vary over a wide range. The term fiberboard is normally united to thicknesses of 0.009 in (0.23 mm) or above.
3.1.3 APPUCATIONS—The normal uses for this material include nearty all automotive applications where fibrous board structures are specified.
3.2 Fiberboards Classified by Manufacture
3.2.1 HAROBOARD Description—A generic term for a sheet manufactured primarily from interfelted lignocellulosic fibers (usually wood) consolidated under heat and pressure in a hot press to a density of 55—65 lb)1t3 (880— 1041 kg/rn3) (specific gravity 0.9—1.0) or greater. and to which other materials may have been added during manufacture to improve certain properties. Physical/Mechanical Properties—This material Is generally a stiff grade of fiberboard with Isotropic physical properties. Applrcabons—The normal uses for this material include nearly all automotive applications wtiere fibrous board stwctures are specified.
3.2.2 PAPERBOARO Description—A generic term for a sheet manufactured primarily from cellulosic fibers produced by conventional pulping and paper making process and equipment. Physical/Mechanical Propertsas—Excepl for the characteristic fibrous structure, the physical properties
mayvary over a wide range. The paperboards are anisotropic with the board machine direction having greater strength and dimensional stability.
32,2.3 Applications—The normal uses for this material include nearly all automotive applications where fibrous board structures are specified.
32.3. 1 Description—A general term describing a type of fiberboard produced primarily from mixed grades of waste paper and most often produced on a cylinder machine, The final product may be sold as either a single ply or laminated board. Physical/Mechanical Properties—The material is usually characterized by low density and gray color and is used where strength and quality are not required. The final product may be modified by the addition of nonfibrous components to impart water resistance or other special properties. The normal range of thickness is from about 0.009—0.045 in (0.23—1.14 mm) for srngle ply and 0.050 to over 0.200 in (1.27— 5.08 mm) for laminated constructions. Applications—Used in applications where appearance and ultimate strength are not important. Typical uses include visor cores, trim panel subfoundations, and some gasket applications.
3.2.4. 1 Description—A general term describing a board comprised of two or more single plies of board, paper, or other sheet materials in any combination, firmly adhered to each other by means of an adhesive between the plies. The adhesion and cohesion of the entire finished structure are such that It will function as a single unit.
32.4.2 PhysIcal/Mechanical Properties—Except for the multiple structure, the physical characteristics of laminated boards vary over a wide range of properties. Because of the general nature of the term, there are few typical physical characteristics Appilications—Typical uses include head liners, trunk liners, glove boxes, and door paneLs.
32.5.1 Description—This material is produced on a one cylioder wet machine. It is manufactured by the building up on a roll of a number of wet plies of paper stock (refined cellulose fibers) from a continuous web. The wet plies adhere mechanically to one another in the wet state and, when the desired thickness of board has been reached, the wet stock (approximately 40% solids) is removed from the make roll as a sheet. It is then pressed, dried, and calendared to the desired finished thickness. The pressing and drying operations develop strong fiber-to-fiber chemical and mechanical bonds within the plies and between the ply interfaces.

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