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UL 10001-2017 pdf download

UL 10001-2017 pdf download.POWER INVERTER PRODUCTS.
At the discretion of the LCA practitioner, modules Al, A2, and A3 may be summed together and reported as a group (i.e., Al-A3). rather than as distinct modules.
3.1.1. Raw material supply (Al)
The raw material supply module (A1 includes the provision of all raw materials and energy and includes waste processing or disposal of final residues during the material acquisition stage. It also includes all flows related to electricity generation of all processes in the product stage. However, production of capital goods, infrastructure, production of manufacturing equipment and personnel.related activities are not included.
The raw material supply stage will account for:
• Extraction and processing of raw materials (e.g., mining and refining processes) and biomass production and processing (e.g.. agricultural or forestry operations);
• Reuse of products or materials from a previous product system;
• Processing of secondary materials used as input for manufacturing the product, but not including those processes that are part of the waste processing in the previous product system
• Generation of electricity, steam and heat from primary energy resources, also including their extraction, refining and transport;
• Energy recovery and other recovery processes from secondary fuels, but not including those processes that are part of waste processing in the previous product system;
3.1.2. Transport (A2)
The transport module (Al) includes the transportation of all raw and packaging materials to manufacturing.
3.1.3. Manufacturing (A3)
The manufacturing module (A3) includes the manufacturing of raw materials into the finished, packaged power inverter. This includes all materials, products, and energy and includes waste processing or disposal of final residues during the product stage. However, production of capital goods, infrastructure, production of manufacturing equipment and personnel-related activities are not included. HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), artificial lighting and transport within the manufacturing site should be included.
The manufacturing will account for:
• Generation of electricity, steam and heat from primary energy resources, also including their extraction, refining and transport;
3.6. Allocation rules
In a production process where more than one type of product is generated, it is necessary to allocate the environmental impacts (inputs and outputs) from the process to the different products in order to obtain product-based inventory data. Allocation rules should reflect the goal of the production process. For production of power inverter products, allocation shall be carried out according to the mo5t appropriate allocation identified for the facility in question following the principles regarding allocation in ISO 14044 Section 4.3.4, presented below. In such facilities, an ability to allocate based on physical properties of the products is a preferable basis to allocation based on economic flows, where feasible.
The LCA study shall identify the processes shared with other product system. and deal with them according to the stepwise procedure presented below.
a. Step 1: Wherever possible, allocation should be avoided by:
a. Dividing the unit process to be allocated into two or more sub-processes and collecting the input and output data related to these sub-processes, or
b Expanding the product system to include the additional functions related to the coproducts, taking into account the requirements of ISO 14044 Section 4.2.3,3,
b. Step 2: Where allocation cannot be avoided, the inputs and outputs of the system should be partitioned between its different products or functions in a way that reflects the underlying physical relationships between them; i.e. they should reflect the way in which the inputs and outputs are changed by quantitative changes in the products or functions delivered by the system.
c. Step 3: Where physical relationship alone cannot be established or used as the basis for allocation, the inputs should be allocated between the products and functions in a way that reflects other relationships between them. For example, input and output data might be allocated between co-products in proportion to the economic value of the products.
When allocation is used, aspects such as economic conditions will be considered to determine if other allocation criteria would be more appropriate. A sensitivity analysis shall be initiated if a deviation of greater than 10% is foreseen from the prescribed allocation method. Different data sets will be documented and reported, if different allocation options are relevant.

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