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UL 10007-2017 pdf download

UL 10007-2017 pdf download.HAND DRYERS.
In the case of input of secondary materials or energy recovered from secondary fuels, the system boundary between the system under study and the previous system (providing the secondary materials) is set where outputs of the previous system, e.g. materials, products, building elements or energy, reach the end-of-waste state.
Flows leaving the system at the end-of-waste boundary of the product stage (A1-A3) shall be allocated as co-products. As a general rule, such processes as collection and transport before the end-of-waste state are included as part of the waste processing of the system and additional processing is excluded. Loads and benefits from allocated co-products shall not be declared. If such a co-product allocation is not possible, other methods may be chosen and shall be justified. Therefore, as a general rule, potential loads or benefits from the product stage do not appear in life cycle calculations or reporting.
At the discretion of the LCA practitioner, modules Al, A2, and A3 may be summed together and reported as a group (i.e., Al-A3), rather than as distinct modules.
3.1.1. Raw material supply (A 1)
The raw material supply module (Al) includes the provision of all raw materials and energy and includes waste processing or disposal of final residues during the material acquisition stage. It also includes all flows related to electricity generation of all processes in the product stage. However, production of capital goods, infrastructure, production of manufacturing equipment and personnel-related activities are not included.
The raw material supply stage will account for:
• Extraction and processing of raw materials (e.g., mining and refining processes) and biomass production and processing (e.g., agricultural or forestry operations);
• Reuse of products or materials from a previous product system;
• Processing of secondary materials used as input for manufacturing the product, but not including those processes that are part of the waste processing in the previous product system
• Generation of electricity, steam and heat from primary energy resources, also including their extraction, refining and transport;
• Energy recovery and other recovery processes from secondary fuels, but not including those processes that are part of waste processing in the previous product system;
3.1.2. Transport (A2)
The transport module (A2) includes the transportation of raw materials to manufacturing.
3.1.3. Manufacturing (A3)
The manufacturing module (A3) includes the manufacturing of raw materials into the finished, packaged hand dryer. This includes all materials, products, and energy and includes waste processing or disposal of final residues during the product stage. However, production of capital goods, infrastructure, production of manufacturing equipment and personnel-related activities are not included. HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), artificial lighting and transport within the manufacturing site will only be considered if they do not meet the cut-off criteria.
The manufacturing will account for:
• Generation of electricity, steam and heat from primary energy resources, also including their extraction, refining and transport;
• Energy recovery and other recovery processes from secondary fuels, but not including those processes that are part of waste processing in the previous product system;
• Production of ancillary materials or pre-products (i.e., lubricants);
• Manufacturing of products and co-products;
• Manufacturing of packaging;
• Waste processing or disposal, including any packaging waste.
Note: the impacts associated with fuels and generation of the electricity consumed during manufacturing shall be assigned to the manufacturing module (A3).
3.1.4. Installation Stage (A4 and A5)
The installation stage, including transport to the building site (A4) and mounting/installation (AS) are optional reported elements.

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