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UL 10D-2014 pdf download

UL 10D-2014 pdf download.Fire Tests of Fire Protective Curtain Assemblies.
7.2 Uniformity of temperature distribution
7.2.1 At any time after the first 10 minutes of fire exposure, the temperature rise indicated by any of the thermocouples used to determine the furnace temperature shall not differ from each other by more than 270°F (150°C). With test constructions where either the test sample or any associated construction incorporates combustible materials that produce flaming within the furnace or where excess air drawn into the furnace is identified as causing localized heating or cooling of one or more of the furnace thermocouple hot junctions, the deviation of temperature rise from each other recorded by the thermocouples so affected shall not exceed 450°F (250°C).
8 Furnace Temperatures
8 eftecve AUgUSI 31, 2015
8.1 The temperatures of the test exposure shall be deemed by a minimum of three thermocouples and no fewer than nine thermocouples per 100 square feet of test assembly symmetrically disposed within the furnace and distributed to show the temperature near all parts of the test assembly. The thermocouples shall be protected by a sealed porcelain tube having a 3)4 In (19.1 mm) outside diameter and 118 in (3.2 mm) wall thickness or, as an alternate, in the case of base-metal thermocouples, protected by a 112 in (12.7 mm) wrought-steel or wrought-iron pipe of standard weight.
8,2 The junction of the thermocouples shall be initially located 6 in (152 mm) from the exposed face of the test assembly or from the subassembly in which the test assembly is installed. During the fire exposure, If the movement of the test sample causes the sample’s distance to the thermocouple junction to vary, the location of the junction shall be reset to 6 in (152 mm) at intervals not exceeding 10 minutes during the first 30 minutes of the test. Thereafter, the intervals are to be increased to not more than 30 minutes.
8.3 The temperatures shall be read at intervals not exceeding 1 minute.
8.4 The accuracy of the furnace control shall be such that the area under the time-temperature curve, obtained by averaging the results from the thermocouple readings, is within 10 percent of the corresponding area under the standard time-temperature curve for tire tests of 1 hour or less duration, within 7.5 percent for those over 1 hour and not more than 2 hours, and within 5 percent for tests exceeding 2 hours in duration.
8.5 For a summary of the accuracies for the vanous rating periods, see Appendix A.
9.4 Pressures are to be read at intervals not exceeding 1 minute.
10 ConstructIon and Size
10 etleclive August 31, 2015
10.1 The design. construction, materials and size of the test assembly. consisting at the fire protective curtain, assembly and subassembly, shall be representative of that for wtiich the rating is desired.
10.2 A floor structure shall be provided as part of the opening to be protected, except where such floor interferes with the operation of the curtain. The floor segment shall be of noncombustible matenal and shall be sized to accommodate the tire protective curtain assembly during the tire endurance test.
11 Mounting for Test Purposes
11 etleclive August 31. 2015
11.1 The tire protecttve curtatn assembly shall be mounted to the subassembly for conditions representative of the intended final use and installation and for which the rating is desired.
11.2 The fire protective curtain assembly shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions using the recommended hardware.
11.3 Clearances for fire protective curtains not mounted within guides are to be as follows: with a ±1/8 in (3.2 mm) tolerance, 1/2 in (12.7 mm) beiween tire protective curtain and subassembly. and 3/8 in (9.5 mm) between fire protective curtain and floor structure.
12 Time of Testing
t etlectie August t,
12.1 The test assembly construction shall have the strength to retain the tire protective curtain assembly securely in position after the Operational Test, Section 13 and throughout the Fire Endurance Test, Section 14.

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