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UL 13-2015 pdf download

UL 13-2015 pdf download.Power-Limited Circuit Cables.
14 Metal Covering
14.1 General
14.1.1 Wire armor, a metal braid, interlocked metal armor, or a metal sheath Is acceptable on any round cable. See tests in Sections 37, 42. and 45. Any metal covering that is provided shall be as follows:
a) A smooth metal sheath shall comply with 14.1.2 and 14.2.1 — 14.2.3.
b) A welded and corrugated metal sheath shall comply with 14.1.2, 14.1.3, 14.3.1. and 14.3.2.
C) An extruded and corwgated metal sheath shall comply with 14.1.2, 14,1,3. 14.4,1, and 1442.
d) Interlocked metal armor shall comply with 14.1.2 and 14.5.1 — 14.5.9. See 10.2(b).
e) Wire armor or a metal braid shall be applied over a jacket that complies with Cable Jacket.
Section 13.
14.1.2 The sheath, or the strip forming the interlocked armor. shall be continuous throughout the length of the cable. A sheath shall not have flaws that affect its integrity — that is. a sheath shall not have any weld openings, cracks, splits, foreign inclusions, or the like, The strip from which interlocked armor is formed may be spliced (see 14.53) but there shall not be any cut or broken ends.
14.1.3 The number of convolutions per unit length of a welded or extruded corrugated metal sheath is not specified but is to be judged on the basis of the performance of the finished cable in the tests specified in this standard.
14.1.4 In the case of a Type PLTC cable, the metal covering shall be applied over a jacket that complies with Cable Jacket. Section 13. In the case of any other cable, the metal covering shall be applied over a jacket complying with Cable Jacket, Section 13; over a separator, binder, or other covering: or directly over the cable construction described in Table 12.1 without any intervening jacket, separator, or other covering.
14.2 Smooth metal sheath
14.2.1 A smooth metal sheath shall be of an aluminum-base alloy having a copper content of 0.40 percent or less, of commercially pure lead, or of an alloyed lead. The sheath shall be tightly formed around the underlying cable.
142.2 The average thickness and the minimum thickness at any point of the smooth sheath shall not be less than indicated in Table 14.1. The thicknesses of the smooth sheath are to be determined by means of a machinist’s micrometer caliper that has a hemisphencal surface on the anvil, has a flat surface on the end of the spindle, and is calibrated to read directly to at least 0.001 in or 0.01 mm. The spindle shall be round.
14.4 Extruded and corrugated metal sheath
14.4.1 An extruded and corrugated metal sheath shall be of an aluminum-base alloy having a copper content of 0.40 percent oi’ less. The sheath shall be tightly formed around the underlying cable. The sheath shall be applied as indicated in 14.1.4. See 14.2.3.
14.4.2 The minimum thickness at any point of the unformed metal tape from which the extruded and corrugated sheath is made shall not be less than indicated in Table 14.3 when determined as indicated in 14.2.2.
14.5 Interlocked armor
14.5.1 Armor shall consist of interlocked steel or aluminum strip and shall comply with 14.1.2 and 14.5.2
— 14.5,8. Dimensions of the metal strip shall comply with 14.5.9. The strip shall be applied as Indicated for
a metal covering in 14.14.
14.5.2 The strip shall be made of steel or of an aluminum-base alloy with a copper content of 0.40 percent or less. Steel strip shall be protected against corrosion by a coating of zinc on all surfaces, including edges and splices. The coating on each surface shall be evenly distributed, shall adhere firmly at all points, and shall be smooth and free from blisters and all other defects that can diminish the protective value of the coating.
14.5.3 The steel or aluminum strip shall be uniform in width, thickness, and cross section and shall not have any burrs, sharp edges, pits, scars, cracks, or other flaws that can damage the underlying cable or any jacket over the armor. Splices shall not materially increase the width or thickness of the strip nor shall they lessen the mechanical strength of the strip or adversely affect the formed armor.
14.5.4 ZInc-coated steel strip shall have a tensile strength of not less than 40.000 lbflin2 or 276 MN.”m2 or 27.600 N./cm2 or 28.1 kgt)mm2 and not more than 70,000 lb(rin2 or 483 MN/rn2 or 48.300 N/cm2 or 49.2 kgf/mm2. The tensile strength shall be determined on longitudinal specimens, consisting of the full width of the strip when practical, and otherwise on a straight specimen slit horn the center of the strip. The test shall be made prior to application of the strip to the cable.
14.5.5 Zinc-coated steel strip shall have an elongation of not less than 10 percent in lOin or not less than 10 percent in 254 millimeters. The elongation shall be determined as the permanent increase in length of a marked section of the strip (originally 10 In or 254 mm in length) measured after the specimen has fractured. The test shall be made prior to application of the strip to the cable.

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