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UL 1713-2017 pdf download

UL 1713-2017 pdf download.Pressure Pipe and Couplings,Glass Fiber-Reinforced, for Underground Fire Service.
15.3 Test solutions
15.3.1 Samples are to be submerged for 30 and 180 days in the following solutions maintained at a temperature of 37.8°C (100.0”F):
a) Saturated solution of sodium chloride;
b) Five-percent hydrochloric acid;
C) Distilled water with hydrochloric acid added to provide a pH of 3;
d) Distilled wdter with sodium hydroxide added to provide a pH of 12;
e) Distilled water;
f) Distilled water with sulfuric acid added to provide a pH of 3; and
g) Solution of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate lo provide a pH of 10. 15.4 Air oven aging
15.4.1 Pipe ring samples and adhesive bonded samples are to be subjected to air-oven aging for 30 and
180 days at 7OC (158°F). The samples are to cool for 24 hours at 23°C (73°F) and 50-percent relative humidity prior to physical testing.
15.5 Light and water exposure
15.5.1 Pipe ring samples and adhesive bonded samples are to be subiected for 360 hours to exposure in an accelerated light and water exposure apparatus, as specified in 15.5.2 and 15.5.3.
15.5.2 The apparatus used is to provide ultravolet light from two enclosed carbon arcs formed between vertical electrodes 1/2-inch (127-mm) in diameter, located at the center of a revolvable vertical metal cylinder 31 Inches (787 mm) In diameter and 17-3/4 Inches (451 mm) high. The arcs are to operate with approximately 15 to 17 amperes ac and the potential across the arcs is to be approximately 120 to 145 volts. The arcs are to be enclosed by clear globes of No. 9200-PX Pyrex glass.
15.5.3 The samples are to be vertically mounted on the inside of the cylinder, facing the arcs, and the cylinder is to be rotated about the arcs at one revolution per minute. A system of nozzles is to be provided so that each sample is sprayed In turn with water as the cylinder revolves. During each 20-minute operating cycle, each sample is to be exposed to light from the arcs for 17 minutes and to water spray with light for 3 minutes. The temperature within the cylinder while the apparatus is in operation is to be 63
±5°C (145 ±9°F).
15.5.4 As an alternate to the test w sections 15.5.1-15.5.3. the test samples are to be exposed for 500 hours to light and water in accordance with 15.5.5.
15.5.5 Specimens are to be exposed to ultraviolet light and waterspray by using a Xenon-arc lamp in accordance WTth the Standard Practice for Exposing Nonmetallic Materials in Accelerated Test Devices That Use Laboratory Light Sources, ASTM G1 51, and the Standard Practice for Operating Xenon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Non-metallbc Materials, ASTM G 155. The spectral power distnbution of the xenon lamp shall conform to the requirement in Table 1 In ASTM G1 55 for a xenon lamp with daylight filters. A programmed cycle of 120 minutes consisting of a 1 02-minute light exposure and an 1 8-minute exposure to water spray with liit shalt be used. The apparatus shall operate with a spectral irradiance of 0.35 W/m2 nm at 340 nm and a black-panel temperature of 63 ± 3C (145.4 ± 5.4F).
16 General
16.1 The manufacturer shall conduct the necessary control, Inspechon. and tests. The program shall include the Production-Line Hydrostatic-Pressure Tests. Section 17.
17 ProductIon-Line HydrostatIc-Pressure Tests
17.1 Each length of pipe and each coupling shall be hydrostatically tested at an internal pressure of two times the rated pressure:
a) For 30 seconds if weepage occurred when the product was tested to the strength as
specified In 10.2 and 10.3; or
b) For 5 seconds if the product ruptured when tested to the limit of strength. Any pipe or
coupling showing leakage or other defect that impairs the intended performance of the product Is to be reecled.
17.2 The test sample is to be connected to the hydrostatic-pressure testing equipment with gaskets that seal the ends of the pipe or coupling. All air Is to be expelled from the sample, and the internal water pressure is to be app’ied at a uniform rate of not less than 100 psig (689 kPa) per second until the specified pressure is attained. The specified pressure is to be maintained for not less than 30 seconds. Couplings are to be tested using a bladder-type tester.

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