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UL 1730-2017 pdf download

UL 1730-2017 pdf download.Smoke Detector Monitors and Accessories for lndividual Living Units of Multifamily Residences and Hotel/Motel Rooms.
7 ElectrIc Shock
7.1 Shock current
7,1.1 Any part that is exposed only during operator servicing shall not present a risk of electric shock. See the Electric Shock Current Test. Section 43.
7.2 Antenna terminals
7.2.1 Each terminal provided for the connection of an external antenna shall be conductively connected to the suppty circuit grounded conductor. The conductive connection shall have a maximum resistance of 5.2 megohms. a minimum wattage rating of 1/2 watt, and shall be effective wTth the power swdch in either the on or off position.
Exception No. 1: The conductive connection need not be provided if:
a) Such a connection is established in the event of electrical breakdown of the antenna isolatr?g means;
b) The breakdown does not result in a risk of electric shock; and
c) In a construction using an isolating power transformer, the resistance of the conductive connection between the supply circuit and chassis does not exceed 52 megohms.
Exception No. 2: A component comprised of a capacitor with a built-in shunt resistor that complies with the requirements for antenna isolating capacitors may be rated a minimum of 1/4 watt.
7.2.2 The maximum value of 5.2 megohms mentioned in 7.2.1 is to include the maximum tolerance of the resistor value used: that is, a resistor rated 4.2 megohms with 20 percent tolerance or a resistor rated 4.7 megohms with a 10 percent tolerance may be used.
7.3 CircuIt element replacement
7.3.1 The insertion in any socket of any semiconductor, or similar replaceable circuit element shall not result in a risk of electric shock.
8.2 Before determining compliance with the requirements in 8.1, a part of the enclosure that may be opened or removed by the user without using a tool (to atlach an accessory, to make an operating adjustment, or for other reasons) is to be opened or removed.
8.3 The probe specified in 8.1 is to be applied to any depth that the opening wiH permit; and Is to be rofated or angled before, dunng. and after insertion through the opening to any position that is necessary in order to examine the enclosure. The probe is to be applied in any possible configuration. If necessary, the configuration may be changed after insertion through the opening.
8.4 The probe specified in 8.1 is to be used as a measuring instrument to judge the accessibility provided by an opening, and not as an instrument to nudge the strength of a material: it Is to be applied with the minimum force necessary to determine accessibility.
9 Protection Against Corrosion
9.1 An iron or steel part shall be protected against corrosion by enameling, galvanizing. sherardizing, plating, or other equivalent means.
Exception No. 1: This requirement does nez apply if such protection is impracticable, such as on a beanng or similar part.
Exception No. 2: This requirement does not apply Ia a part such as a washer, screw, bolt, or the like. if corrosion of the unprotected part would not be likely to result n a risk of fire or electric shock or in un,ntentional contact with a moving part that involves a risk of injury to persons.
Exception No. 3: A part made of stainless steel, polished or treated if necessary. does not require additional protectøon against corrosion.
9.2 The requirement in 9.1 applies to an enclosure of sheet steel or cast iron and to a spring or other part upon which intended mechanical operation may depend.
9.3 Bearing surfaces shall be of materials and construction that resist bindmg due to corrosion.
9,4 Metals shall be used m combinations that are galvanically compatible.

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