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UL 1767-2013 pdf download

UL 1767-2013 pdf download.Early-Suppression Fast-Response Sprinklers.
53 General
53.1 The manufacturer shall provide regular production control, inspection, and tests. The program shall include at least the tests specified in Production Leakage Test, Section 54. and Glass Bulb Integrity Test. Section 55, for each sprinkler.
54 Production Leakage Test
54.1 Each ESFR sprinkler shall not leak when subjected to a 500-psig (3.45-MPa) hydrostatic pressure,
maintained for not less than 2 seconds.
54.2 Other test arrangements may be utilized when determined to be equivalent.
55 Glass Bulb Integrity Test
55.1 After being subjected to the production leakage test, a glass bulb sprinkler assembly shall be evaluated for integrity of the glass bulb for cracking, breaking, or oilier damage as indicated by the loss of fluid. For example, the bubble in each glass bulb shall be examined at room ambient temperature. The sprinkLer shall then be heated in a circulating air oven or liquid bath to 5°C below the minimum operating temperature range of the sprinkler. The bubble shall then be examined to determine the bubble size has been reduced in accordance with the glass bulb manufacturer’s specifications. After cooling, the bubble size shall again be examined to determine the bubble returned to the onginal size within the tolerance allowed by the glass bulb manufacturer.
56 General
56.1 A four- to six-character identification number, wTth no intervening spaces, shall be used to identify the manufacturer and sprinkler operating characteristics. The number shall be cast or die-stamped on the sprinkler deflector or on a visible non-operating pan, which is not used to install the sprinkler.
56.2 The identification number shall consist of one- or two-English uppercase alphabetic character(s) to identify the manufacturer, immediately followed by three or four numbers (digits) to uniquely identify a sprinkler as to K-factor (orifice size) or orifice shape, deflector characteristic, pressure rating and thermal sensitivity classification,
56.3 An ESFR sprinkler shall also be permanently marked with the temperature rating and year of manufacture on a visible non-operating part. Sprinklers produced in the last 3 months of a calendar year shall be marked with the current year or the following year as the date of manufacture, and those produced in the first 6 months of a calendar year shall be marked with the preceding year or the current year as the date of manufacture.
56.4 The frame arms or glass bulb heat responsive element of an ESFR sprinkler shall be colored in accordance with the color code designated in Table 8.1. See 56.5.
Exception No. 1: The color identification for a coated spnnkler shall be permitted to be a colored dot on the top of the pnnkler deflector or colored coating material,
Exception No.2: Frame arm color identificatIon is not required lo, plated or painted sprinklers.
Exception No. 3: Frame arm or dot color identification is not required for sp-inkiers having glass bulb heat responsive elements color coded In accordance with Table 8.1.
56.5 A plated, painted, or coated ESFR spnrder shall be provided with a distinctive means to identity these finishes as being appl.ed at the factory such as unpiated or uncoated components.
56.6 It a manufacturer produces ESFR sprinklers at more than one factory, each sprinkler shall have a distinctive marking to identify it as the product of a particular factory.
567 When glass bulb sprinklers are manufactured with more than one supplier of glass bulbs, each sprinkler shall have a distinctive marking to identify the glass bulb manufacturer.
56.8 Protective covers shall be orange in color and shall be marked to indicate that the cover must be removed before the sprinkler system is placed In service. The marking shall be placed on the cover so it is visible after spnnkler installation.

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