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UL 1778-2011 pdf download

UL 1778-2011 pdf download.Uninterruptible Power Systems. General requirements for installation Accessibility and maintainability
Battery poles and battery connectors shall be accessible so that their llxings can be tightened with the correct iocis, Batteries with liquid electrolyte shall be so located that the battery cell caps are accessible for electrolyte tests and readjusting of electrolyte levels.
Compl,ance is checked by inspection and appIcation of the roots and measunng equipment su1cØed or recommended by the battefy manufacturer.
4.3.8,101.2.2 Insulation
NiCd cells in conductive casings shall be provided with adequate insulation between each other and from cabinets or compartments. Such insulation shall meet the requirements of 2.9 of the RD.
Compliance is checked by measurement and/or test. Electrolyte spillage
tiiito BATTERY trays and cabinets shall have an electrolyte-resistive coating.
The ENCLOSURE or compartment housing a vrno BATTERY shall be constructed so that spillage or leakage of the electrolyte from one battery will be contained within the u and be prevented from:
a) reaching the outer surfaces of the LWS, where contact with the USER IS possible:
b) contaminating adjacent electrical components or materials: and C) bridging required electrical distances.
Compliance is checked by inspection. Ventilation
The ENCLOSURE or compartment housing a VENTED BATTERY shall be provided with proper ventilation so that any potentially explosive mixtures of hydrogen and oxygen are dispersed safely below non-hazardous levels.
For battery compartments (separate or combined), the method for determining the necessary airflow to ensure adequate dissolution levels is given in Annex HH.
In combined apparatus of battery and electrical components, attention shall be given to prevent ignition of local concentrations of hydrogen and oxygen by adjacent operational arcing parts, such as contactors and switches close to battery vents.’valves. This shall be achieved by the use f fully enclosed components, separation of battery compartments, or adequate ventilation, dependent upon Ihe technical construction of the ups and battery. If non-enclosed components are used, a distance of 500 mm between operational arcing parts and the battery ventsNalves is normally deemed to meet this requirement.
For battery rooms, proper information on the required How of air shall be provided in the installation instructions it the battery installation is supplied with the ups
5.3.102 Overcharge test
A battery supply that is to be inveshgated with the ut’s shall be subjected to 7 h of overcharging, connected to a supply circuit adjusted to 106% of nominal voltage, using a fully charged battery. Any OPERATORS adjuslable conlrols associated with the charger or charging circuit shall be adjusted for the most severe charging rate.
This requirement does not apply to a ui’s provided with a regulating circuit preventing an increase in battery charging current and voltage when the ac. input voltage is increased horn rated value to 106% of rated value.
5.3.103 Output short circuit test The direct current battery circuit and the alternating current output circuit of the IFS shall be shorted separately. For the alternating current output circuit, this test shall be conducted in all modes of operation that allow power to be delivered through the ups. Shorting shall include from line to neutral (it provided) and from line to line.
A battery supply is considered to comply with this requirement if:
a) an overcurrent-protection devce is employed having a short-circuit interrupting rating not less than the maximum fault current available horn the battery supply (this measurement shall be taken at the output of the device, i.e., output terminals or output cable ends, as applicable) and
b) the maximum current from the battery supply during the STORED EtY os does not exceed the ampacity rating of the conductors connected to the batteries. With reference to the direct current battery circuit mentioned in, the test shall be conducted on.

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