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UL 180-2017 pdf download

UL 180-2017 pdf download.Liquid-Level Gauges for Oil Burner Fuels and Other Combustible Liquids.
11.5 Repeat functional operation after abuse and assembly tests
11.5.1 If any damage from any of the Assembly and Abuse Tests in the prior sequence is likely to result in reduced functional performance of the accessory, the Functional Operation Test in accordance with SectIon 10 shall be repeated at only room temperature, and pass/fail crilena applied.
11.5.1 elleclivO October 5, 2015
12 Exposure and Compatibility Tests
12.1 General
12,1.1 Representative gauge sample(s) in accordance with 9.1 shall be evaluated for resistance to exposures and material compatibility m accordance with 12.1 — 12.5 as applicable, followed by repeat Impact In accordance with 11.4.
12,1,1 e4c1ive October 5, 2015
12.1.2 Following completion of each lest, samples shall be assessed for damage, with worst case one(s) subjected to repeat Functional Operation Tests (in accordance with 12.6) if applicable.
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12.1.3 Samples with worst case damage from the Exposure and Compatibility Tests shall also be used or re.created on new samples to conduct the (PressureNacuum Strength Test (In accordance with 13.4), Rain Test (in accordance with 13.5) and Icing Test (in accordance with 13.6) as applicable.
12.13 .ttoclive October 5,2015
12.1.4 To determine the worst case sample, assessment of design and materials with respect to changes or damage causing reduced function from each condition shall use engineering principles including, but not limited to material changes or reduced impact resistance from metal corrosion and polymer or elastomer changes in dimensions, flexibility, hardness, or other key characteristics. The worst case sample size shall be consistent for comparison purposes.
12.1.4 eltective October 5, 2015
12.2 Air aging
12.2.1 Gauge samples with functional polymers, electronics or other components that may be affected by long term exposure to heat, shall be subjected to accelerated aging in an air circulating oven for 180 days at 70 ±2°C (158 ±3.6°F);
12.2.1 et1eclve October 5, 2015
12.22 Following the air oven exposure, the samples shall be visually examined for material changes, subjected to a repeat Impact Test in accordance with 11.4, visually examined for physical damage, then assessed for proper function to determine if Repeat Functional Operation Tests are required in accordance with 12.6.
12.3 UV light
12.3.1 Gauge samples with functional external polymers or other components that may be affected by long term exposure to sunlight, shall be subjected to cycles of 102 mm light and 18 mm light/water in accordance with either Standard Practice for Operating Enclosed Carbon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials, ASTM G 153, (Carbon Arc) for 720 hrs or Standard Practice for Operating Xenon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Non-Metallic Materials, ASTM G1 55 (Xenon Arc) for 1000 hrs.
123.1 eøeclia October 5, 2015
12.3.2 Following the UV light exposure. the samples shall be visually examined for material changes, subjected to a repeat Impact Test in accordance with 11.4, visually examined for physical damage. then assessed for proper function to determine it Repeat Functional Operation Tests are required in accordance with 12.6.
12.3.2 dIective October 5, 2015
12.4 Salt tog
12.41 Gauge samples with functional external metals or other components that may be affected by long
term exposure to corrosive elements, shall be subjected to 600 hi’s of a 5 percent NaCI H20 Solution (6.5
— 7.2 pH and 1.033— 1,039 spg) atomized through nozzles at 18±2 psi (124 ±14 kPa) in 35 ±2°C (95
±3.6°F) humid air. The test chamber shall be sealed with the samples suspended in the salt fog.
12.4.1 ellective October 5, 2015
12.4.2 Following the salt tog exposure, the samples shall be visually examined for matenal changes, subjected to a repeal Impact Test in accordance with 11.4, visually examined for physical damage. then assessed for proper function to determine it Repeat Functional Operation Tests are required in accordance with 12.6.
12.4.2 elieclive October 5. 2015
12.5 Fuel compatibIlIty
12.5.1 Gauge samples with components that are intended to be in contact with either the liquids and/or vapors of the tank contents, shall be subjected to long term compatibility exposures for 90 days at 60±2°C (140 ±3.6°F) using the test fuels and/or vapors indicated In 12.5.2 and exposure conditions in 12.5.3.
12,5,1 IlIediVe October 5, 2015
12.5.2 The samples shall be installed in a test container that simulates expected installation, then exposed to each of the test fuels as identified below which are representative of Class II and Class Ill Combustible Liquids:
a) 100% Ref Fuel F (02 Type S15 Grade):
b) F75/B25a (See Appendix B for aggressive biodiesel formulas);
c) Motor Oil (commercial grade Type SAE 30W): and
d) Kerosene (commercial grade Standard Specification for Kerosmne, ASTM D3699. Type Ki).

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