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UL 19-2013 pdf download

UL 19-2013 pdf download.Lined Fire Hose and Hose Assemblies.
11 Kink Test
11.1 General
11.1.1 Hose, while kinked. shall withstand a hydrostatic test pressure of 1-1/2 times the marked service test pressure without leakage. wpturing. or breaking of any thread in the jacket or reinforcement.
11.2 Sample
112.1 The length of the sample is to be at least 3 feet (0.9 m).
11.3 Equipment
11.3.1 The hydrostatic equipment for this test is to be the same as that specified in 10.3.1.
11.4 Test method
11.4.1 The sample is to be filled wTth water with the petcock open 10 allow all air to escape. The petcock is then to be closed, the pressure raised to approximately (but not exceeding) 10 psig (69 kPa). and the sample kinked 18 inches (457 mm) from the free end by tying the hose back against itself as close to the fittings as practicable, so that there will be a sharp kink. The pressure is then to be increased at a rate of 300 — 1000 psig (2070 — 6900 kPa) per minute until 1-1/2 times the service test pressure is reached, and then immediately released.
12 Hydrostatic Strength Test
12.1 General
12.1.1 Hose, while lying straight, and curved around a surface having a radius of 27 inches (0.7 m), shall withstand a hydrostatic test pressure of three times the marked service test pressure without rupturing or breaking of any thread in the jacket or reinforcement,
12.1.2 Hose assemblies, while lying straight, and curved around a surface having a radius of 27 inches (0.7 m), shall withstand a hydrostatic test pressure of three times the service test pressure without leakage, rupturing, or breaking of any thread in the jacket or reinforcement, and without slippage, leakage, or damage of the couplings.
13.4 Test method
13.4.1 The sample is to be tilled with water and capped at each end. It is then to be placed over the reels in an S-shaped curve with the end that passes over the top reel brought down and a weight just sufficient to make the sample conform to the reels is to be attached. The end that passes under the bottom reel Is to be brought up and fastened to the motor-driven mechanism described in 13.31. The sample is to be subjected to 100,000 complete cycles of bending.
13.4.2 After completion of the bending, the sample Is to be removed from the test equipment, examined for any evidence of damage. and then tested in accordance with the Hydrostatic Strength Test, Section 12, while the sample is lying straight. In lieu of subjecting the entire length to the burst test, a 3 foot or longer section can be cut from the central portion of hose that received bending in two directions, recoupled, and then subjected to the Hydrostatic Strength Test.
14 AlternatIng Pressure Test
14.1 General
14.11 Hose and hose assemblies shall withstand 2000 cycles of alternating low and high pressure, between 0 psig and the service test pressure, without breakdown. After cycling, the sample shall withstand the appropriate proof-pressure in Section 10, without leakage, ballooning or rupture.
14.2 Sample
14.2.1 The length of the sample is to be 12 feet (3.7 m).
14.2.2 If a hose assembly Is being tested, the sample Is to be marked prior to the test with a pencil or other suitable means at a point immediately adjacent to cacti coupling.
14.3 EquIpment
14.3.1 The equipment for this test is to consist of a pump as described in 10.3.1, capable of increasing the Internal pressure from 0 psig to the sample’s service test pressure and means to decrease the internal pressure of the sample to 0 psig, at a rate of 3 ±112 cycles of pressure change per minute,
14.4 Test method
14.4.1 The sample is to be connected to the source of water under pressure, the air expelled, and thehydrostatic pressure within the sample alternately raised to the service test pressure and then lowered to0 psig.The rate of increase and decrease is to be uniform and such that approximately 20 seconds arerequired to go from 0 psig to the maximum test pressure and back to 0 psig (1 cycle).
14.4.2 After completion of 2000 cycles of low and high pressure, the sample is to be subjected to theappropriate proof-pressure in Section 10.
15 Abrasion Test
15.1 General
15.1.1 Hose shall withstand 1-1/2 times the service test pressure without rupturing or breaking any threadin the jacket or reinforcement, after 300 cycles of abrasion for single-jacketed hose and after 500 cyclesof abrasion for multiple-jacketed hose.
15.2 Sample
15.2.1 The length of the sample is to be 4 feet (1.2 m) or longer,depending on the design of the testequipment.

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