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UL 2054-2011 pdf download

UL 2054-2011 pdf download.Household and Commercial Batteries.
9.8 Each fully charged test sample battery pack. in turn, is to be short-circuited by connecting the positive and negative terminals of the battery with a circuit load having a resistance load of 80 ±20 m ohm. The temperature of the battery case is to be recorded during the test. The battery is to discharge until a Ge or explosion is obtained. or until it is completely discharged and/or the cell case temperature has returned to ±ioEc 18EF) ot ambient temperature.
ReViSed 9 8 effective Noven*,er 11, 2011
9.9 Tests are to be conducted at 20 ±5EC (68±9EF) and at 55±5EC (131 ±4EF). The batteries are to reach equilibrium at 20 ±5EC (68±9EF) or 55±5EC (131±4EF), as applicable, before the terminals are connected.
Revised 9.9 elteclive Noverrtei ii, 2011
910 Battery pack constructions are to be subjected to a single fault across any protective device in the load circuit of the battery under test. When protective devices actuate during the test, the test shall be repeated with the battery pack connected to the maximum load that does not cause the protective devices to open.
Exception: A positive temperature coefficient device which complies with the tests specied in Standard for Thermistor-Type Devices. UL 1434, the Standard for Automatic Electrical Controls for Household and Similar Use, Part 1: General Requirements. UL 60730• IA. or other protective devices determined to be reliable, may remain In the circuit without being faulted. See Appendix A (Or additional component standards.
Resed 9.10 effective November 11.2011
9.11 One of the above test sample battery packs, tested at 20±5EC (68±9EF) shall be evaluated with the following additional conditions in place. The terminals are to be subjected to a hd circuit with a minimum length ot 16 AWG (1.3 mn9) bare copper wire. The test is to be conducted on a tissue paper covered soft wood surface and the sample battery pack and bare conductor is to be covered with a single layer of cheesecloth.
9.12 For all samples tested, the samples shall not explode or catch Ge and the tests shall not result in chemical leaks caused by cracking, rupturing or bursting of the cell casing. The temperature of the internal cell casings shalt not exceed 1 5OEC (302EF) for lithium chemistries. For battery pack samples tested In accordance with 9.11. the cheesecloth and tissue paper shall not catch.
11 Abusive Overcharge Test
11.1 The batteries are to be tested in an ambient temperature of 20 i5EC (68±9EF).
11.2 Sample batteries are to be subjected to a constant charging current at 10 times the C5 amp rate, using a supply voltage sufficient to maintain the 10 times C5 amp rate throughout the duration of the test. During the test, the temperature is to be measured on the internal cell casing of each sample. The test is to continue until the cell or battery explodes, vents, or a single operation protective device operates, and the temperature of the internal cell casing reaches steady state conditions or returns to ambient. If a PTC or other re-settable protection device operates during the test, it is to be reset a minimum of 10 times during the test. An automatic reset device is allowed to cycle during the test.
Revised 11.2 effective November ii. 2011
11.3 During the tests, batteries supplied with protective devices shall be subjected to a single component fault using any single fault condition which is likely to occur in the charging circuit and which would result in overcharging of the battery.
Exception: Protective devices determined to be reliable, may remain in the circuit without being faulted. See Appendix A.
Revised 11.3 effective November II, 2011
11.4 The samples shall not explode or catch ®re.
11.5 At least one of the ®ve samples shall be subjected to the test outlined in 11.2 and 11.3 with a constant current charge 5 times the C5 rate (for example: at the C rate) with a supply voltage sufficient to maintain that rate throughout the duration of the test.
Added 11.5 effective November 11, 2011
12 Forced-Discharge Test
12.1 This test is intended for cells that are to be used in multicell applications, such as battery packs. The batteries are to be tested in an ambient temperature of 20 ±5EC (68±9EF).
12.2 For multi-cell series con®gurations without parallel strings a fully discharged cell is to be force-discharged by connecting it in series with fully charged cells of the same kind. The number of fully charged cells to be connected in series with the discharged cell is to equal the total number of cells in the pack less one.

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