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UL 2231-2-2012 pdf download

UL 2231-2-2012 pdf download.Personnel Protection Systems for Electric Vehicle (EV) Supply Circuits: Particular Requirements for Protection Devices for Use in Charging systems.
23.4.4 In the event that it is necessary to prevent tripping of the device under test while adjusting for various values of current in resistance RB, care shall then be taken to assure that components that are not continuously energized in normal operation are not caused to be continuously energized during the adjustment procedure. Attempts to bypass one oi’ more poles of the device usually produce the condition described.
23.4.5 In determining the “most adverse’ conditions mentioned in Table 8, each of the operating parameters described In (1) — (5) of item (b) below shall be varied so as to ob(ain a combination, if any, determined to be most adverse to the tested function of the device, at room-temperature ambient. The “most advers& condition of an operating parameter shall be learned from:
a) A study of the design, and
b) When necessary, from operating the representative device, provided that when it is
necessary to operate the representative device it is not required to be subjected to any of the tests described in these requirements:
1) LINE VOLTAGE — The closed-circuit line voltage shall be adjusted within the range of 85— 110 percent of rated voltage, at rated load, with the cover(s), if any, of the
device closed, and with the device supported in its marked mounting position. When no mounting position is marked on the device, any one position that is determined to be
normal for the device shall be arbitrarily selected. The line voltage to the device shall be obtained from a source having sinusoidal wave•form and free from any measurable
transient voltage rises or dips.
2) MOUNTING POSITION — Except for a permanently-connected device marked to specify a mounting position, the device shall be placed In different positions. The
mounting position of a permanently-connected device that is marked to specify a
mounting position shall be varied from the marked mounting position by no more than 10 degrees (for a total range of 20 degrees). Rated load shall be connected and the cover(s). if any, of the device shall be closed.
3) COVER POSITION — Any cover or door normally moved or removed during
operation or functioning of the device, or that is capable of being moved or removed without the use of a tool, is able to be so moved or removed. Rated toad shall be
4) LOAD — The load is capable of having any value of current, frequency or DC, or a mix of frequencies for which the device is claimed to offer protection up to rated and
shall be resistive.
5) GROUNDING — A cord-connected device, and a permanently-connected device not required by method of operation to be grounded, shall be either grounded or
ungrounded, whichever is more adverse.
23.5 Second neutral ground
23.5.1 A charging circuit interrupting device that is intended for use with a grounded supply shall comply with the provisions of 23.2 and 23.3 when the circuit conductor that is normally grounded at the service only, is also grounded at a point in the load cIrcuit 01 the device.
23.5.2 Compliance with 23.5,1 is not required for a system where the output is not permitted unless a load is connected. Compliance is met by a demonstration of that feature which suppresses the output until a load of sufficient value is present it tripping occurs when a second connection between the grounded and grounding conductors is present
23.5.3 Systems that Include an isolation monitor/Interrupter or ground monitor/interrupter that detects the condition and opens the circuit in the time required in this Standard are not required to comply with 23.5.1.
23.5.4 In determining compliance with the provisions of 23.5, the representative device shall be connected as shown in Figure 11 and tested in the sequence of steps described in Table 8. as described in 23.5,6 for the highest and lowest combination of RN and R0 as inccated in Table 9. The tests shall be conducted both with R open and with RL adjusted br rated current. The test voltage shall be the most adverse as determined in 23.4.5.

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