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UL 2353-2016 pdf download

UL 2353-2016 pdf download.Single- and Multi-Layer Insulated Winding Wire.
7 General
7.1 Unless otherwise specified, all tests are to be conducted at temperatures from 15— 35CC (59— 95F), and at a relative humidity of 45 — 75%, Before measurements are made, the specimens are to be preconditioned under these atmospheric conditions for a period of time that is sufficient to allow the wire to reach stability.
7.2 Testing is to be conducted on samples of the smallest and largest conductor sizes to represent the range of sizes using the same insulation thickness. Additional samples may be necessary to cover a range of insulation thicknesses.
7.3 Perforniance tests conducted on wire whose insulation was wrapped or extruded over a bare conductor are representative of wire of the same construction except with the insulation wrapped or extruded insulation over enameled magnet wire.
7.4 Performance tests conducted on wire whose insulation was wrapped or extruded over an enameled magnet wire are only representative of similarty constructed wire produced using chemically and thermally similar enameled magnet wire.
B Electric Strength Test — Straight Sample
8.1 For all constructions, five straight lengths of any wire 305-mm (1 2-in) long are to be subjected to an electric strength test in accordance with the requirements for electric strength as specified in the Standard for Information Technology Equipment — Safety – Part 1: General Requirements, UL 60950.1. or the Standard for Medical Electrical Equipment, Part 1: General Requirements for Safety, UL 60601-1. The test voltage is to be in accordance with the applicable test voltages for electric strength tests in the Test Voltages for Electric Strength Tests Based on Peak Working Voltages (Part 1 and Part 2) Tables of UL 60950-1 and the Test Voltages Table of UL 60601-1 unless otherwise Indicated below. The voltage Is to be applied between the conductor and foil wrapped in direct contact with the center 150 mm (6 in) of the sample.
8.2 Additionally, for any wire evaluated for compliance with 5.1.1, five samples of each layer are to be subjected to an electric strength test in accordance with the requirements for electric strength. as specified in me Standard for Information Technology Equipment — Safety — Part 1: General Requirements, UL 60950-1, or the Standard for Medical Electrical Equipment, Part 1: General Requirements for Safety, UL 60601.1. The test voltage is to be in accordance with test voltages for electric strength tests, in UL 60950-1 or from UL 60601-1. The voltage is to be applied between the conductor and foil wrapped in direct contact with the center 150 mm (6 in) of the sample. For separable constructions, the voltage is to be applied through each layer of tape for one- and two-layer constructions, and through all combinations of any two layers for three-layer constructions, by the means of flat-surfaced electrodes. The test voltage shall be applied at a rate of 500 V/s. to the specified test voltage and held for 60 s.
8.3 There shall be no insulation breakdown during this test. Insulation breakdown is determined to have occurred when the current which flows as a result of the application of the test voltage rapdy increases in an uncontrolled manner (i.e. the insulation does not restrict the flow of the current). Corona discharge or a single momentary flashover is not regarded as insulation breakdown.
9 Electrical Strength Test — Twisted Sample
9.1 For all constructions, five samples of the wire prepared in the manner described in 9.2 and tested at room temperature, are to be subjected to an electric strength test in accordance with the requirements for electric strength, in the following standards:
a) Standard for Infomiation Technology Equipment — Safety — Part 1: General Requirements, UL 60950-1; or the
b) Standard for Medical Electrical Equipment, Part 1: General Requirements for Safety, UL 6060 1-1.
9.2 A straight piece of the finished wire construction, approximately 400 mm (16 inches) in length. with the insulation removed at both ends, is to be twisted 360° back on itself for a distance of 125 ±5 mm (5 ±0.2 in). The load applied to the wire pair and the number of twists, shall be as provided in Loads applied to the wire pairs and number of twists. Table 9.1. The loop at the end of the twisted section is to be cut at two places to provide a maximum spacing between the cut ends. Any bending to ensure an adequate separation between the two wire ends is to be arranged to avoid sharp bends or damage to the insulation.

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