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UL 2515A-2016 pdf download

UL 2515A-2016 pdf download.Supplemental Requirements for Extra Heavy Wall Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Conduit (RTRC)and Fittings.
4.2 Impact Resistance (for Type XW conduit)
42.1 When tested in accordance with 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 there shall not be any fracture or break in the laminate surface of seven out of ten 200 mm (8.0 in) specimens of the finished conduit. A fracture or break is considered to have occurred where a broken section of the laminate forms a protrus&on within the inside diameter or extends beyond the outside diameter of the conduit. The portions of the conduit within 50 mm (2.0 in) from the cut ends of the specimen shall not be examined.
4.2.2 The specimens are to be cut from finished lengths of each trade size of conduit. Each specimen is to be tested separately while resting on a solid, flat, steel plate that is at least 13 mm (1/2 in) thick and is firmly anchored with its upper surface horizontal. A protective cage is to surround the plates and the specimen to reduce the likelihood at injury.
4.2.3 The impact energy is to be provided by a weight of 34.1 kg (75 Ibs) In the lorm of a 150 mm (6.0 in) solid right-circular steel cylinder with a flat impact face having rounded edges, as shown in Figure 4.1, falling freely through a vertical guide and supplying the impact force specified in Table 4.1. The flat face of the weight is to stnke the center of the specimen. Provision is to be made for keeping the weight from striking the specimen more Ihan once. The test fixture shall have rigid bases. located at the correct extended support distance, at each end of the fixture. The bases shall be designed to prevent movement of the specimen for the duration of the test. The bases shall support V-block clamps fastened to each base and aligned to the extended support distance. A flexible loading strap having a width of 50 ±3 mm (2.0 ±0.125 inches) shall be provided for center-point loading. The load medium shall be sand, steel shot or equivalent. (See Figure 4.3).
4.3.5 Test procedure The specimen shall be placed in the fixture and set up for the specified conduit and extended support distance. Both ends of the specimen shall be securely tightened in the support clamps so that movement of the specimen is prevented during the test period. The specimen shall be pre-loaded with the test load for 10 minutes. The test load shall be removed and measurements for zero deflection shall be recorded. The test load shall then be reapplied, The initial deflection measurement shall be recorded. Deflection shall then be recorded at 12 ±3 hour intervals for 168 hours (7 days).
5 Markings
5.1 All of the markings mentioned in 5.2 — 5,4 shall be clearly legible and durable. Additional markings
are acceptable it they do riot conflict with those specified in this standard.
5.2 The outer surface of every straight length of conduit, arid every elbow and other bend made from and for use with such conduit shall be marked with the following:
a) fleinforced Thermosetling Resin Condui(, RTRC’, or equivalent wording;
b) The trade size (metric designator) of the conduit;
C) The name or trademark of the manufacturer or with any other distinctive marking by means of which the organization responsible for the product can readily be identified:
d) ‘XW-lPS’. ‘XW-lD”;
e) For Use 40°C to 11 0°C;
f) Abovegroand, AG, or equivalent wording:
9) Expansion joints which are not subjected to the test in Clause 5.7 of the Standard for Aboveground Reinforced Thermosettirig Resin Conduit (RTRC) and Fittings, UI 2515. shall be marked FOR NON WATERTIGHT USAGE.
h) Conduit straight lengths that comply with the Extended Support Distance Test descnbed in 4.3 shall be marked Suitable for use at a support distance of m or an equivalent wording.

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