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UL 2600-2017 pdf download

UL 2600-2017 pdf download.CAN/UL 2600:2017,Relocatable Structures.
4.11 Exit – part of a means of egress, including doorways. that leads from the floor area it serves to a separate building, an open public thoroughiare, or an exterior open space protected from fire exposure from the building and having access to an open public thoroughfare.
412 Fire damper- a closure consisting of a damper that is installed in an air distnbution system or a wall or floor assembly and that is normally held open but designed to close automatically in the event of a tire in aider to maintain the integrity of the fire separation.
4.13 Fire detector, a device that detects a fire condition and automatically initiates an electrical signal to actuate an alert signal or alarm signal and includes heat detectors and smoke detectors,
4.14 Fire•reslstanee rating – the time In minutes or hours that a mateitat or assembly of materials will withstand the passage of flame and the transmission of heat when exposed to fire under specified conditions of test and performance criteria
4.15 Fire separation a construction assembly that acts as a barrier against the spread of fire
4.16 Flame-spread rating – an index or classification indicating the extent of spread-of-flame on the surface of a matenal or an assembly of materials as determined in a standard fire test
4.17 Floor area – the space on any stoley of a building between exterior walls and required firewalls. including the space occupied by interior walls and partitions, but not including exits, vertical service spaces, and their enclosing assemblies.
418 Foundation – a system or arrangement of foundation units through which the loads from a building are transferred to supporting soil or rock.
4.19 Heat detector – a fire detector designed to operate at a predetermined temperature or rate of temperature rise.
4,20 Live load – a variable load due to the intended use and occupancy that is to be assumed In the design of the structural members of a building. It includes loads due to cranes and the pressure of liquids in containers.
4.21 Loadbearing (as applying to a building element) – subjected to or designed to carry loads in addition to its own dead load, excepting a wall element subjected only to wind or earthquake loads in addition to its own dead load.
4.22 Manufactured home – a factory-constructed, detached dwelling unit readily relocatable as a single unit or in modules.
4.23 Means of egress – a continuous path of travel provided for the escape of persons from any point in a building or contained open space to a separate building, an open public thoroughfare. or an exterior open space protected from fire exposure from the building and having access to an open public thoroughfare. Means of egress includes exits and access to exits.
(d) Has purchased or otherwise acquired land, whether they have purchased or otherwise acquired the land directly from a previous owner or from another purchaser, and have not yet registered their ownership.
428 Private sewage disposal system – a privately owned plant for the treatment and disposal of sewage (such as a septic tank with an absorphon field).
429 Registered engineering professional an individual who is authorized to engage In the pracuce of engineering by the authority having urisdiction
4.30 Relocatable To be movable, portable, prefabricated, and modular.
4.31 Sennce room – a room provided in a building to contain equipment associated with building services.
4.32 Smoke detector – a fire detector designed to operate when the concentration of airbome combustion products exceeds a predetermined level.
4.33 Sprinklered (as applying to a building or part thereof) – the building or part thereof is equipped with
a system of automatic sprinklers.
4.34 Storey – ponon of a building that Is situated between the top of any floor and the top of the floor next above it, and if there is no floor above it, that portion between the top of such floor and the ceiling above IL
4.35 Vapour barrier – the elements installed to control the diffusion of water vapour.
4.36 Walkway – a covered or roofed pedestrian thoroughfare not more than 9 m wide that Is used to connect 2 or more buildings.

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