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UL 2792-2016 pdf download

UL 2792-2016 pdf download.Standard for Sustainability for Cleaning and Degreasing Compounds:Biologically-based.
6 4 The biologically-based cleaning and degreasing compound shall contain only those microbial strains that have been identified in accordance with an approved strain identification protocol.
6.5 The biologically-based cleaning and degreasing compound shall be susceptible to anti-microbial agents, as demonstrated by testing the microbial strain against an acceptable substance (i.e. a US EPA general disinfectant. Center for Disease Control (CDCl low-level disinfectant, or a registered antimicrobial agent by Health Canada) in accordance with the EPAOPP Standard Operating Procedure br AOAC Use Dilution Method tor Testing Disinfectants. SOP Number MB-05-04.
6.6 The biologically-based cleaning arid degreasing compound shall be susceptible to each of the five mator antibiotic classes laminoglycoside. macrolide. beta-lactam. tetracycline and fluoroquinobones). as demonstrated by testing the microbial strain in accordance with Beckman Dickinson BBL antimicrobial susceptibility disc method.
6.7 Those biologicallybased cleaning and degreasing compound manufactured in Canada or destined for the Canadian maricet (i.e. intended for sale and use in Canada) shall provide evidence that indicates the microbiological strains are listed in the Canadian Domestic Substances List and are in compliance with the New Substances Notification Regulations as per the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. t 999.
7 Product Characteristics
7.1 The biologically-based cleaning and degreasing compound shall before dilution, not have a pH less than 2.0 or greater 1 1.5 when measured directly in a liquid formulation
7.2 The biologically-based cleaning and degreasing compound shall not have a flash point lower than 61 °C below flash point.
7.3 The biologically-based cleaning and degreasing compound shall have a maximum temperature usage which does not exceed 17°C below flash point.
8 Prohibited Compounds
8.1 The biologicallybasea cleaning and dogroasirig compound snaIl nave a zero OOP.
8.2 The biologically-based cleaning and degreasing compound shall not be formulated or nianulactured with:
a) Alkylphenol ethoxytales APEOs) including nonyhenol, octylphenol and their ethoxylates; bI Aromatic solvents:
c) Chlorinated organic solvents;
d) Butoxy-ethanol;
e) Nitriloiriacetic acid (NTA); or
f) Phosphorus-based builders
9 Restricled Compounds
9.1 The biologically-based cleaning and degreasing compound shall not contain more than the following levels of volatile organic compounds:
a) 1% by weight, for biologically-based household cleaners and degreasers:
bi 1% by weight, for biologically-based facility maintenance cleaners: arid C) 50/0 by weight, for biologically-based parts cleaners.
9.1.1 VOCs stiall have been determined using the following method-: California ARB Method 310.
Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) In Consumer Products, as lasi amended on August
6. 2010.
9.1.2 LVP-VOC status of compound or mixtures used in the product shall be determined using ASTM
Method D2579-97. Standard Test Method for Vapor Pressure-Temperature Relationship and Initial
Decomposition Temperature of Liquids by Isoteniscope. as modified in Appendix B of ARB Method 310.
Determination of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) in Consumer Products and Reactive Organic
Compounds in Aerosol Coating Products, and ASTM E 1719-97. Standard Test Method for Vapor
Pressure of Liquids by Ebulliometry. to verify exemption.
9.1 3 Aromatic compound content shall be determined using the ARB Method 310. Determination of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) in Consumer Products and Reactive Organic Compounds in Aerosol Coating Products, as last amended on August 6. 2010,
9.1.4 Fragrances. considered exempt under ARB. shall be treated and included as VOC content for the purpose of this Standard.
9.1.5 For products for which the label specifies dilution prior to use. VOCs and surfactants should be measured after the minimum recommended dilution has taken place. The minimum recommended dilution shall not include recommendations for the incidental use of a concentrated product to deal with limited special applications, such as hard to remove soils and stains.
9.2 The biologically-based cleaning and degreasing compound shall not contain more than the following levels of surfactants:
al 1% by volume, for biologically-based household cleaners and degreasers;
b) 1% by volume, for biologicallybased facility maintenance cleaners and degreasors: and C) 3% by volume, for biologically-based parts cleaners and degreasers.
9.2.1 The biologically-based cleaning and degreasing compound shall use only those surfaclants that are readily biodegradable.

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