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UL 347-2016 pdf download

UL 347-2016 pdf download.Medium-Voltage AC Contactors,Controllers, and Control Centers.
5.205 Internal wiring
5,205.1 Conductors Insulated conductors shall be suitable for the service intended with respect to voltage, temperature, and grouping. Conductors shall be not smaller than 24 AWG (0.205 mm2), and the temperature rating shall be not less than 90°C unless shown suitable with appropriate temperature rise testing.
NOTE 1 These ,equrements onty to the wving furnished on or in confroiters as a paii at the eqisomenL They do not a to the sw,* — iun to confroi’ equ’naiit. to toa. or to Other açpwatusNOTE 2: For motor and ant OiLCiYCtht appAcatvons. the use ot Table 9 togefier with Table 10 as a gu in se?eclIng the
COnduCtOr SZCS i lv? some cases obvtale the need 10 perform’ a IemperaMe lest on The wire, Conductor $izes fOr Other appJcat,ons arp sutiiect to wwesttgakmn. Conductors smaller than 24 AWG (0.205 mm2) may be used for wiring of printed circuit boards and interconnecting wiring between electronic modules and subassemblies.
Conductors in sizes 110 AWG (53.5 mm2) and larger may be run in parallel if the arrangement is such as to provide equal division of total current among all conductors involved,
5.205,1.3 Conductors in an assembly intended for use in a complete enclosure shall be insulated for the lWghest voltage normally occurring between such conductors unless wires are grouped so as to segregate the several voltages.
Wires shall be of multi-stranded, flexible, or extra-flexible construction where they make connection to electrical equipment mounted on a hinged door. If the flexing section of the wiring is liable to come in contact with grounded metal parts, that portion of the wiring shall be given additional protection with wrappings of tape or the equivalent or enclosed in nonmetallic flexible tubing or conduit.
5205.2 Support for internal wiring
Internal wiring shall be supported or secured so as not to come in contact with:
a) bare live parts of opposite polarity;
b) bare live parts of other circuits:
C) sharp or abrasive surfaces:
d) heat-producing components such as transformers, power resistors, fuse bodies. semiconductor devices, etc.; or
e) moving parts.
A bare conductor. induding pigtails and coil leads, shall be supported so that the spacings required elsewhere in this standard will be maintained, unless covered by suitable insulating sleeving or tubing.
5,205.3 Routing through a metal barrier
A hole through which insulated wires pass in a sheet metal barrier within the enclosure of the equipment shall be provided with a smooth. well•rounded bushing or shall have smooth. wellrounded surfaces upon which the wires may bear, to reduce the risk of atxasion of the nsulaUon.
It conductors greater than 10 AWG (5.26 mm2) of an alternating-current circuit pass through a wall or partition of metal having magnetic properties, all of the conductors of the circuit, including the neutral, shall be run through the same opening. The conductors may pass through individual openings in a wall or partition of metal having magnetic properties if:
a) the openings are connected by slots cut in the metal wall; or
b) during the temperature test, temperatures are recorded on interposed metal to determine that conductor insulation is not adversely affected. The conductors may be run through individuaJ openings in an insulating block used to cover an opening in the metal wall suflicientty large for all the conductors of the circuit it no metal bracket, bi’ace, or the like, is placed aaoss the insulating material between the conductors. See Figure 9.
5,205.4 Equipment above 7200 V
For equipment operating above 7200 V. instruments. meters, relays, secondary control devices, and their wiring shall be isolated by grounded metal barriers from the primary circuit elements, with the exception of short lengths of wire such as at instrument transformer terminals and secondary disconnecting devices.
5.206 Terminals and connections
5.206,1 Terminal current carrying capability
Excep( as provided for by Clause 5.3.207, controllers for other than service use shall be provided with wiring terminals for the connection of conductors having an current carrying capability not less than the larger of the following:
a) he continuous current rating of the device.

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