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UL 5085-1-2011 pdf download

UL 5085-1-2011 pdf download.Low Voltage Transformers -Part 1: General Requirements.
11.2 Insulating material for mounting of low voltage live parts
11.2.1 Material for the mounting of low voltage live parts shall be glass, porcelain, phenolic or coIdrnolded composition, or similar insulating material. Untreated fiber, rubber, wood, and hot•molded shellac or tar compositions shall not be used.
NoW This ,eqisternenl does not .r to malerial used ID, separators. spacers. colt supoo’?s. arid sUThIar parts bwth.n a fransiorrner enclosure
11.2.2 A polymeric insulating material used as electrical insulation or for direct or indirect suppoa of live parts shall provide the levels of performance specified in the requirements for direct and indirect support of live parts in the standard for Polymeric Materials — Use in Electrical Equipment Evaluations, UL 746C, or CAN!CSA-C22.2 No. 0.17, Evaluation of Properties of Polymeric Materials.
Vulcanized fiber may be used for insulating bushings. washers, separators, and barriers, but not as the sole support of uninsulated live parts.
11.3 Coil insulation
11.3.1 Coils shall be constructed to provide insulation between the various windings and between the windengs and the core and the enclosure.
11.3.2 Coil insulation, unless inherently moisture-resistant, shall be treated to render it resistant to moisture.
11.3.3 Film-coated wire is not required to be additionally treated to reduce moisture absorplion.
11.3.4 Coil insulating materials used in a transformer insulation system that is not rated Class 120(E) or higher shall have an electrical relative thermal index not less than 1050C (221 ¶), as determined by the requirements in the Standard for Polymeric Materials — Long Term Property Evaluations, UL 746B. or CANCSA-C22.2 No. 0.17, Evaluation of Properties of Polymeric Materials.
NOre 1 Elecincai prad. paper as described in Clause 114.1 rs fbi requvea Jo have an electrical retarive Thermal sides
Note 2: lnSulatN7Q malenals used as uisulaftori in areas other Than between pvlrnaiy and secondary n*,begs arid me primary or scondary iinnduigs arid core are riot requit.d Ia have an electrical retalive Thermal index.
Note 3: Manef wire ingutai?Oi e not required Ia have an electrIcal ,etalb’e thermal index.
Note 4: frisutabng maleriats used as insulation belween the winbeç’s and core ota lorosdat transformer are allowed to have an etecincal Thermal index less than 105V when the core is not exposed.
11.3.5 When the temperature nse on a coil measured by the change of resistance method is above the limit for Class 105(A) insulation as specified in Tables 8 and 9 of Part 2 and Table 7 of Part 3. the following requirements apply:
a) For transformers intended for use in Canada, coil insulating materials shall comply with CANCSA-C22.2 No. 0, General Requirements — Canadian Electrical Code, Part U, or the coil insulation system shall comply with the Standard for Systems of Insulating Materials — General. UL 1446. Addihonally. the transformer shall be marted as indicated in Clause 17.2.5 to verify thai the Insulation system complies with the requirements in UL 1446.
b) For transformers intended for use in the United States, the coil insulation system shall comply with UL 1446. AdditIonally, the transformer shall be marked as indicated in Clause 17.2.5 to verily that the insulation system complies with the requirements in UL 1446.
11.4 Insulation used In lieu of spacings
11.4.1 Insulating material used in lieu of the spacing requirements shall:
a) Be rated for the application;
b) Comply with Table 10.
C) Be resistant to moisture:
d) Be securely held In place; and
a) Be of the same strength as electrical grade paper when exposed or otherwise likely to be
subected to mechanical damage.
NoW b’sulaleI tn,aterial used in lieu of spacings located between alreeni windings between any wiictiiig and the cue. between any crossover lead and a m.faac enure, or between any crossover lead and The core may be:
b) A poipme,to colt form of nof less Than 064 mm (0.025 in);
C) Material of any thickness mechanicaflr and thermally aguivalent wiTh a minimum d+ectrtc breakdoiwi voltage of 2500 V ked as described in the lnwlating Ba,ners Test in Cause 19.

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