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UL 60079-17-2017 pdf download

UL 60079-17-2017 pdf download.Explosive Atmospheres – Part 17: ElectricalIn stallations Inspection and Maintenance.
4.4 PeriodIc Inspections
4.4.1 Personnel
Regular periodic inspection requires personnel who are competent for the inspection required, including that they:
a) have a knowledge of area classlfication/EPL and sufficient technical knowledge to understand its implications for the location under consideration;
b) have technical knowledge and understancng of the theoretical and practical requirements for electrical equipment and installations used in those hazardous areas;
c) understand the requirements of visual, close and detailed Inspections as they relate to the Installed equipment and installations,
NOTE Ccrrpetenoes and training may be identiried in relevafli national training and aseewnenl Iramewoft,
4.4.2 Fixed installations
The grade of inspection and the interval between periodic inspections shall be determined taking account of the type of equipment, the manufacturer’s guidance, it any, the factors governing its deterioration (see, Note 3). the area classification and/or the EPL requirements and the results of previous inspections. Where Inspection grades and intervals have been established for similar equipmenl, installations arid environments, this experience shall be used in determining the inspection strategy.
The Interval between periodic inspections shall not exceed three years without seeking expert advice, The basis foc changing the inspection period shall be documented.
Intervals between periodic Inspections exceeding three years should be based on an assessment inclucng relevant infom,ation.
Once an Interval has been fixed, the Installation should be subjected to additional interim sample inspections to support or modify the proposed interval and grade of inspection.
Ongoing review of the results of inspections will be required to justify the Interval between, and grade of inspections.
A typical inspection procedure Is shown diagrammatically in Annex A.
When large numbers of similar items such as luminaires, junction boxes. etc. are installed in a similar environment, it may be feasible to carry Out periodical inspections on a sample basis provided that the number of samples in addition to the inspection frequency is subjected to review. It is, however recommended that all items be subjected at least to a visual inspection.
4.4.3 Movable equipment
Movable electrical equipment (hand-held, portable, and transportable) is particularly pmne to damage or misuse and therefore the interval between perio& inspections may need to be reduced.
The interval between periodic inspections shall not exceed the following without seeking expert advice:
a) hand-held and portable equipment shall be visually checked by the user, before each use. to ensure that the equipment is not obviously damaged;
b) all equipment shall be submitted to a close inspection at ieasl every 12 months;
C) enclosures which are frequently opened (such as battery housings) shall be given a detailed inspection at least every 6 months
The basis for changing the inspection period shall be documented.
4.5 Continuous supervision by skilled personnel
4.5.1 Concept
Where an installation is visited on a regular basis, in the normal course of work, by skilled personnel who,
in addition to satisfying the requirements of 4.4.1 a), b) and C), are:
a) aware of the process and environmental implications on the deterioration of the specific equipment in the installation, and
b) required to carry out visual and/or close inspections as part of their normal work schedule as well as detailed inspections as part of any replacement, or adjustment in accordance with,
then it may be possible to dispense with regular penodic inspection and utilize the frequent presence of the skilled personnel to ensure the on-going integrity of the equipment.
The use of continuous supervision by skilled personnel does not remove the requirement for initial and sample inspections.
Continuous supervision is not practicable for electrical equipment for which this kind of attendance cannot be provided (e.g. in the case of movable equipment). See also 4.5.4.

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