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UL 60079-30-1-2017 pdf download

UL 60079-30-1-2017 pdf download.Explosive Atmospheres – Part 30-1: Electrical Resistance Trace Heating – General and Testing Requirements.
temperature sensor
(temperature sensing element)
device designed to respond to temperature providing an electrical signal mechanical operation
thermal insulation
material having air- or gas-filled pockets, voids, or heat reflecting surfaces that, when property applied, retards the transfer of heat
ISOURCE: IEC 60050-426:2008, 426-20-36]
trace heater
device designed for the purpose of producing heat on the principle of electncal resistance and typically composed of one or more metallic conductors and/or an electrically conductive material, suitably electrically insulated and protected
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-426:2008, 426-20-37]
trace heater pad
trace heater compnsing series or parallel connected elements having sufficient flexibility to contomi to the shape of the surface to be heated
trace heater panel
non-flexible trace heater comprising series or parallel connected elements fabricated to conform to the general shape of the surface to be heated
trace heater unit
(trace heater set)
series trace heater, parallel trace heater, trace heater pad or trace heater panel suitably terminated in conformity with the manufacturer’s instructions
trace heating
utilization of eiüctriC trace heaters, trace heater pads, trace heater panels and support components, used to maintain or to raise the temperature of contents in piping, tanks and associated equipment
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-426:2008, 426-20-39, modified (removal of “externally applied”))
trace heating system
utilization of trace heating including all necessary design and Installation documentation
trace ratio
ratio of trace heater length to pipe length
weather barrier
material that, when installed on the outer surface of thermal insulation, protects the thermal insulation from water or other liquids, from physical damage caused by Ice pellets, wind or mechanical abuse and from deterioration caused by solar radiation or atmospheric contamination
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-426:2008, 426-20-40, modified (replacement of “sleer by “iCe pellets”)]
object to which a trace heater is applied
Note 1 to entry- Essmpies include process equipment such as piping. vessels, t*s, velves, isiruments and similar equipmeni.
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-426:2008, 426-20-41, modified (addition of Note I to entry)J
4 General requirements
4.1 General
The requirements of this standard confirm that electrical resistance trace heating within the scope of this standard has been designed and constructed so as to validate electrical, thermal and mechanical durability and reliable performance.
Electrical resistance trace heaters and integral components shall comply with or be excluded from the requirements of lEG 60079-0, as listed in Table 1.
Trace heaters shall be provided with an evenly-distributed electrically conductive covenng that shall cover at least 70 % of the surface Trace heater pads and panels shall be constructed such that the electrically conductive covering shall be opposite the surface to be heated. The electrically conductive covering shall either be suitable for use In the particular atmosphere(s) o have a suitable non-metallic overjacket over the covering. The manufacturer shall declare the maximum withstand temperature in degrees Celsius. The materials used in the trace heater and integral components shall withstand a temperature of no less than the manufacturers declared maximum withstand temperature +20 K, when tested in accordance with 5.1.11. The manufacturer shall provide documentation of the specification of non-metallic materials on which the mechanical strength and the electrical insulation depend (between the heater and other conductive parts) which shall include identification of the material type.
4.2 Mechanical strength
The mechanical strength of trace heaters shall be determined by the tests in 5.1.5,5.1.6,5.1.7 and 5.1.11.Trace heaters which are identified for use only in areas with a low risk of mechanical damage aresubjected to a reduced energy in the impact tests in 5.1.5 and a reduced force in the deformation test in5.1.6, and shall be clearly marked as specified in 7.4 e).
Trace heaters may be supplied with additional mechanical protection to meet the requirements of thisstandard if they are supplied as an integral assembly (prefabricated), and contain the following statementin the instructions:”This mechanical covering shall not be removed and the trace heaters shall not beoperated without the mechanical covering being in place”. In this case the tests in 5.1.5 and 5.1.6 shall beperformed with the additional mechanical protection installed on the trace heater.

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