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UL 60079-5-2016 pdf download

UL 60079-5-2016 pdf download.Explosive Atmospheres – Part 5: Equipment protection by powder filling “q”.
4.8.4 Protective devices for temperature limitation
Temperature limitation may be achieved by an internal or external, electrical or thermal, protective device, The device shall not be self.resetting.
Where integral fuses are used as protective devces. the fusing element shall be of the enclosed type, for example, in glass or ceramic.
Over-current devices shall have a voltage rating not less than that of the circuit and shall have a breaking capacity not less than the prospective fault current of the circuit.
48.5 Power supply prospective short-circuit current
Electrical equipment, parts of electrical equipment and Ex components protected by powder filling q, with a rated voltage of not greater than 250 V ac.. shall be suitable for operation from a supply system with a prospective short-circuit current of 1 500 A unless the marking includes the value of the permitted prospective short-circuit current. Higher prospective currents than 1 500 A could be present in some installations, for example at higher voltages.
If a current limiting device is necessary to limit the prospective short-circuit current to a value not greater than the rated breaking capacity of the fuse, this device shall be a resistor according to 4.8.3 a) and the rated values shall be:
— current rating 1,5 x 1,7 x 4 of the fuse;
– externally applied maximum voltage Lim;
— power rating 1,5 x (1,7 x 4 of the fuse)2 x resistance of limiting device.
4.85DV.1 DR ModificatIon 01 Clause 4.8.5, third paragraph to replace with the following:
4.8.5DV.1.1 If the manufacturer does not provide a required short-circuit protective device, the certificate number for Ihe electrical equipment or parts of electrical equipment shall marked include the “X” suffix In accordance with the marking rcquircmcnts of UL 60079-0 IEG—60079-O to indicate that there are Soecific Conditions of Use and the Specific Conditions of Use listed on the certificate shall detail the short-circuit protective devices required.
5 VerificatIons and tests
5.1 Type verifications and tests
5.1.1 Pressure type test of container
The pressure tests shall be conducted on the samples subjected to the tests of enclosures in IEC 60079-0. Irrespective of ts volume, the container samples shall be subjected to a pressure type test with an over-pressure of 50 kPa without the occurrence of permanent deformation exceeding 0.5 mm in any of its dimensions. The pressure shall be applied for at least 10 s.
For containers without breathing or degassing openings, which contain capacitors other than plastic toil, paper or ceramic type and where the volume of the filling material is lower than eight times the volume of the capacitors, the pressure type test with an overpressure of 1,5 MPa shall be applied for at least 10 s.
Where the reduced distances have been applied (4.3.1), the pressure test shall be conducted hydraulically. There shall be no drops of water to blotting paper placed under the sample from any of the joints of the sample not identified as a gap” for the purposes of employing the reduced distances.
NOTE I The test samples used Per this test normally have the gags’ sealed to slow the evaluatien ol the joints witieol the drops ci water expected to come trom the gaps’.
Tests may be conducted without the filling material present.
NOTE 2 When the ixnainer is also the external enclosure, the tests ci enclosures requirements of lEO 60079-0 acøy.
NOTE 3 The erpact and drop tests ci enclosures from PEG 60079M do not generally apply to Es Components intended to be mounted inside ot another enclosure corrçlylng with IEC 60079-0, as the external enclosure provides the protection against irrçact and drop
5.1.2 Verification of the degree of protection of the endosure
The degree of protection of the enclosure shall be venfied in accordance with the method specified in fEC 60529. Any breathing devices shall be in place. This test shall be carried out after the pressure type test in 51.1 on any one of the samples.
NOTE I When the container is also the external enclosure, the tests ci enclosures requirements ot lEG 60079-0 apply.
NOTE 2 The irrçact and drop tests ci enclosures from lEG 60079-0 do not generally apply to Es Components intended to be mounted inside at another enclosure wnwlying with IEC 60079-0, as the external enclosure provides the prolection against impact and drop.
5.1.3 Dielectric strength test of the filling material
The insulating properties of the filling material shall be tested prior to the filling process using a sample of the filling material. For this purpose. the electrode arrangement shown in Figure 2 shall be used. The electrodes shall be covered by the filling material in all directions with a thickness of at least 10 mm.

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