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UL 61646-2012 pdf download

UL 61646-2012 pdf download.Thin-Film Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) Modules -Design Qualification and Type Approval.
10.6 Performance at STC and NOCT
10.6.1 Purpose
To determine how the electrical performance of the module varies with load at STC (1 000 W-m-2, 25 C cell temperature, with the IEC 60904-3 reference solar spectraJ irradiance distribution) and at NOCT, an irradiance of 800 Wm2, with the IEC 60904-3 reference solar spectral irradiance distribution.
10.6.2 Apparatus
a) A radiant source (natural sunlight or a solar simulator Class BBB or better) in accordance with IEC
b) A PV reference device in accordance with IEC 60904-2. If a Class BBB simulator is used. the reference device shall be a reference module of the same size with the same cell technology to match spectral response.
C) A suitable mount for supporting the test specimen and the reference device in a pfane normal to the radiant beam.
d) Apparatus for measuring an I-V curve in accordance with Clause 4 of IEC 60904-1:2006.
e) Equipment necessary to change the temperature of the test specimen to the NOCT temperature measured in 10.5.
10.6.3 Procedure Standard Test Conditions (STC)
Maintain the module at 25 °C and trace its current-voltage characteristic at an Irradiance of 1 000 W-m-2 (as measured by a suitable reference device), in accordance with IEC 60904-1, using naturai sunlight or a class BBB or better simulator conforming to the requirements of IEC 60904-9. Nominal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT)
Heat the module uniformly to NOCT and trace Its current-voltage characteristic at an irradianoe of 800 W-m2 (as measured by a suitable reference device), in accordance with IEC 60904-1, using natural sunlight or a class B or better simulator conforming to the requirements of the IEC 60904-9.
If the reference device is not spectrally matched to the test module, use IEC 60904-7 to calculate the spectral mismatch correction.
10.7 Performance at low lrradkance
10.7.1 Purpose
To determine how the electrical performance of the module varies with load at 25 °C and an irradiance of 200 W-m (as measured by a suitable reference device), in accordance with IEC 60904-1 using natural sunlight or a class BBB simulator conforming to IEC 60904-9.
10.7.2 Apparatus
a) A radiant source (natural sunlight or a solar smulalor Class BBB or better In accordance with IEC
b) Equipment necessary to change the irradiance to 200 W-m2 without affecting the relative spectral irradiance distribution and the spatial uniformity in accordance with lEG 60904-10.
C) A PV reference device In accordance with IEC 60904-2.
d) A suitable mount for supporting the test specimen and the reference device in a plane normal to the radiant beam.
C) Apparatus for measuring an I-V curve in accordance with lEG 60904-1.
10.7.3 Procedure
Determine the current-voltage characteristic of the module at 25°C ± 2 °C and an irradiance of 200 Wm2 (as measured by a suitable reference device), in accordance with IEC 60904-1 using natural sunlight or a class BBB simulator conforming to IEC 60904-9. The H-radiance shall be reduced to the specified level by using neutral filters or some other technique which does not affect the spectral irradiance distribution. (See lEG 60904-10 for guidance on redung the irradiance without changing the spectral irradiance distribution.)
108 Outdoor exposure test
10.8.1 Purpose
To make a preliminary assessment of the ability of the module to withstand exposure to outdoor conditions
and to reveal any synergistic degradation effects which may not be detected by laboratory tests.
NOTE Caution should be taken in maliing absolute Iudgrnexs about module life on the baes at passing the test because ot the shoilness ol Pie teat and the erwironment vanabllity 01 the lest conditions. This test shoutd only be used as a guide or indicator 01 posste problems.

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