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UL 62093-2017 pdf download

UL 62093-2017 pdf download.Balance-of-System Components for Photovoltaic Systems – Design Qualification Natural Environments.
7 Pass criteria
7.1 General pass criteria
The component design shall be judged to have passed the design qulification tests if each test sample meets all the fllowing criteria:
a) the component passes its specific performance tests;
b) ater the final test of each test sequence, the component passes the functioning test;
c) no sample has exhibited any ireversible open-circuit or ground fault during the tests: llowed are such situations which are induced by the component itself for the sake of protecting itself or any other connected device or load (and can hence normally be reset);
d) there is no visual evidence of a major defect, as detined in Clause 8;
e) the component passes the insulation test.
If any component does not meet these test criteria, nor the specific criteria for the component, the design shall be deemed not to have met the qulfication requirements, and another two components meeting the requirements of Clause 3 shall be subjected to the whole of the relevant test sequence from the
beginning. If one or both of these also fail, the design shall be deemed not to have met the qulification requirements. If, however, both components pass the test sequence, the design shall be judged to have met the qualification requirements.
7.2 Specific requirements ftor charge controllers
7.2.1 Switching thresholds/operation algorithm
Many charge controllers use the battery voltage as the main parameter for the switching algorithm.
However, some charge controllers use other parameters, for example state of charge. Annex A contains some recommended switching voltages for lead-acid batteries.
The manufacturer shall clearly specifty to the test lab the operating algorithm of the charge controller. If the battery voltage is used as the main parameter for the switching algorithm, the manufacturer shall specifty these thresholds. Apparatus See 11.2,1,2.2, Additionally, a climatic chamber capable of maintaining lemperalure levels Irom —10 C up to 55 °C.
Every climabc test chamber, which is capable of fulfilling the specifications of IEC 60068-3-6 will be suitable. Requirements
The thresholds for the load disconnect shall be stable across the entire range of temperatures.
In contrast to the thresholds of the load disconnection, those of the overcharge potection and gassing functions require a temperature compensation in order to adapt the charging behaviour ol the battery to the surrounding temperature.
The thresholds of the deep-discharge protection shall remain stable within ±20 mV/cell and the thresholds of the overload protection shall exhibit a temperature coefficient of —3 mV/K/cell to —5 mV/K/cell.
11, Procedure
The voltage thresholds are ascertained under the following temperatures in ne with
Test temperatures: 25 C, —10 C, 25 °C, 40 °C, 55 C, 25 “C
The charge controller and temperature-sensor shall be kept at each temperature for at least 15 mm.
If the charge controller has an external temperature sensor, only this sensor is exposed to the above temperatures. w1lle the charge controller itself runs under ambient concMlons. It the charge controller has no external temperature sensor, the entire charge controller is exposed to the above testing temperatures. Voltage drop test Purpose
The purpose of this test is to determine the voltage drop between the input terminals of the charge controller. Requirements
The voltage drop at the terminals of the charge controller between battery- and load-terminals (discharging) and between PV-generator- and battery-terminals (charging) may each only amount to a maximum 0105 V (12 V systems) or 1 V (24 V systems) at maximum load or maximum charging current.
The voltage drop on the battery-lines can lead to false control-values. Hence, the charge controller shall be equipped with (at least) one of the following precautions:
— battery-sense-lines;
— electronic determination and compensation of the voltage drop;
— mounting recommendahons of the manufacturer (wire cross-section, wire length). Procedure
Measure the voltage drop at maximum load or maximum charging current at the terminals of the charge controller between battery- and load-terminals (discharging) and between PV-generator-and battery-terminals (charging). Reverse-polarity protection test Purpose
To determine whether the charge controller functions safely when current Sources with incorrect polarity are connected.

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