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UL 62108-2012 pdf download

UL 62108-2012 pdf download.Concentrator Photovoltaic (CPV)Modules and Assemblies – Design Qualification and Type Approval.
a) the relative power degradation in sequences A to D does not exceed 13 % if the I-V measurement is under outdoor natural sunlight, or 8 % if the I-V measurement is under solar simulator;
b) the relative power degradation in sequence E does not exceed 7 % for natural sunlight I-V measurement, or 5 % for solar simulator I-V measurement, because the 1 000 kWh/rn2 DNI outdoor exposure and 50 kWh/m2 ultraviolet (UV) tests are not an accelerated stress test;
c) no sample has exhibited any open circuit during the tests;
d) there is no visual evidence of a majoi defect, as defined in 10.L2;
e) the insulation test requirements are met at the beginning and the end of each sequence:
1) the wet leakage current test requirements are met at the beginning and the end of each sequence:
9) specific requirements of the individual tests are met.
If there are some failures observed during the test, the following judgment and re-test procedure should apply:
h) If two or more test samples do not meet pass criteria, the design shall be deemed not to have met the qualification requirements;
I) should one sample fail any test, another two samples meeting the requirements of Clause 4 could be subjected to the whole of the relevant test sequence from the beginning:
j) In case I), It both samples pass the test sequence, the design should be judged to have met the qualification requirements:
k) In case i), If one or both of these samples also fall, the design shall be deemed not to have met the qualification requirements:
I) In case h) or k), the entire test program Illustrated In Figure 6 or Figure 7 should be re-performed, usually after some design or processing improvement.
8 Report
Following type approval, a certified report of the qualification tests, with measured performance characteristics and details of any failures and re•tests. should be prepared by the test agency in accordance with ISO’IEC 17025. Each test report should include at least the following Information:
a) a title:
b) the name and address of the laboratory, and the location where the tests were carned out, if different from the address of the laboratory (such as on-site location);
C) unique identification of the test report (such as the serial number), and on each page an dentitication to ensure that the page is recognized as a part of the test report, and a clear identification of the end of the test report;
d) name and address of client, where appropnate:
e) description and identification of the item tested;
1) characterization and condition of the test item:
g) date of receipt of test item and date(s) of test, where appropriate:
h) identification of test method used;
i) reference to sampling procedure, where relevant;
j) any deviations from, additions to, or exclusions from the test method, and any other information relevant to a specific tests, such as environmental conditions;
k) measurements, examinations, and derived results supported by tables, graphs, sketches, and photographs as appropriate, including short-circuit current, open-circuit voltage, maximum output power, maximum power loss observed after all of the tests. and any failures observed;
l) a statement of the estimated uncertainty of the test results, where relevant;
m) a signature and title, or equivalent identification, of the person(s) accepting responsibility for the
content of the report, and the date of issue:
n) where relevant, a statement to the effect that the results relate only to the items tested;
o) a statement that to maintain the qualification and type approval, the manufacturer shall report to and discuss with the certifying body and testing agency every change they made;
p) a statement that the report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory.
A copy of this report should be kept by the manufacturer for reference purposes.

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