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UL 62108-2017 pdf download

UL 62108-2017 pdf download.Concentrator Photovoltaic (CPV)Modules and Assemblies – Design Qualification and Type Approval.
10.12.3,4 Type C terminations
A cable of the size and type recommended by the module manufacturer, cut to a convenient length, shall be connected to the output end of the connector, and the tests for type A terminations shall be carried Out.
10.12.4 Requirements
a) No evidence of majol’ visual defects, as defined in 10.1.2;
b) Insulation resistance shall meet the same requirements as defined in 10.4;
C) Wet insulation resistance shall meet the same requirements as defined in 10.5.
10.13 Mechanical load test
10.13.1 Purpose
The purpose of mechanical load test is to determine the ability of the module or assembly to withstand wind, snow, static, or ice loads.
lithe concentrator systems are specified by the manufacturer not to be suitable for installation in areas of extreme conditions, the manufacturer shall specify the limits of wind, snow, static, and ice loads that apply to the product. Pressure values used in the following test can then be aligned to match the maximum specification of the manufacturer. If the design is entirely unsuitable for snow areas, the snow load test needs not be carried out and minimum testing shall correspond to wind loading. The test report shall state the manufacturer’s recommended limits and whether the equipment survived testing at those limits.
This test is only performed on modules, receivers, mirrors, or their representative samples. It is not an evaluation for trackers and other mounting means. A full-size concentrator system, including all structures and foundations, shall be analyzed by suitable qualified engineers to verify that the design meets the local code requirements of the installation site.
Wind load minimums shall apply (see Table 5).
lithe module under test is resincled In application to trackers which shall horizontally Stow at wind speeds of 24 rn/s or less, the module shall be tested to a minimum of 800 Pa. 800 Pa corresponds to potential forces generated on the modules by 40 rn/s winds when the tracker is in the horizontal position. Trackers which slow at lower wind speeds will not lessen this requirement as the worst case force occurs in the stow position due to the higher wind speeds.
lithe module under test can be mounted on any tracker (no stow function possible), the module shall be tested to a minimum of 1 600 Pa. corresponding to potential forces generated one the module by 40 rn/s winds in any tracking position.
If the module is indicated for regions where snow and ice occur it is recommended that minimum test requirement should be 2 400 Pa.
10.13.2 Procedure
a) Make a rigid test base structure. If the load is provided by weight, the sample shall be mounted horizontally. The test base shall be capable of withstanding loads applied to both the front and back 01 the test sample and shall enable the test sample to deflect freely during the test.
b) Mount the test sample on the rigid structure using the method prescnbed by the rnanufacturer If there are different possibilities, use the worst case, such as the largest distance between the fixing points. The mounting method and photos shall be included in the report.
C) Connect the test sample to the monitoring instrument so that the electrical continuity of the internal circuit can be monitored continuously during the test.
d) Obtain suitable weights or pressure means that enable the load to be applied in a gradual, uniform manner.
e) On the front surface, gradually apply a uniform load up to the maximum indicated by the test, This load may be applied pneumatically or by means of weights covering the entire surface. In the later case. the test sample shall be mounted horizontally. Maintain this load for 1 h.
1) Repeat step e) on the back surface of the test sample.
9) Repeat steps e) and 1) for a total of three cycles.

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