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UL 62133-2017 pdf download

UL 62133-2017 pdf download.Secondary Cells and Batteries Containing Alkalineor Other Non-Acid Electrolytes – Safety Requirements for Portable Sealed Secondary Cells, and for Batteries Made From Them, for Use in Portable Applications.
8.3.2 External short circuit (battery)
a) Requirements
Shoil-circuiting of the positive and negative terminals of the battery pack shall not cause FIFE or OsiON.
b) Test
Each fully charged battery according to the second procedure in 8.1.2 is stored in an ambient temperature 55 C ± 5 C. The battery pack is then short-circuited by connecting the positive and negative terminals with a total external resistance of 80 rnL ± 20 mi. The battery pack remains on test for 24 h or until the case temperature of battery pack declines by 20 % of the maximum temperature rise, whichever Is the sooner. However, in case of rapid decline in short circuit current, the battery pack should remain on test for an additional one hour after the current reaches a low end steady state condition. This typically refers to a condition where the per cell voltage (series cells only) of the battery is below 0,8 V and is decreasing by less than 0,1 V in a 30-minute period.
c) Acceptance criteria No FI, nO sxPt.osoN.
8.3.3 Free fall
a) Requirements
Dropping a cell or battery (for example, from a bench top) shall not cause ni or xiosio… b) Test
Free fall test is conducted at an ambient temperature of 20 “C ± 5 “C, by using batteries that are charged to a fully charged state, in accordance with the first procedure in 8.1.1. Each fully charged cell or battery is dropped three times from a height of 1,0 m onto a concrete floor. The cells or batteries are dropped so as to obtain impacts in random orientations. After the test, the cell or battery shall be put on rest for a minimum of one hour and then a visual Inspection shall be performed.
8.3.4 Thermal abuse (cells)
a) Requirements
An extremely high temperature shall not cause ir O EXPLOSION.
b) Test
Each fully charged cell, according to the second procedure in 8.1.2, is placed in a gravity or circulating air•convection oven. The oven temperature is raised at a rate of 5 C/min ± 2 C/min to a temperature of 130 °C ± 2 C. The cell remains at this temperature for 10 mm (30 mm for larger cells) before the test is terminated,
C) Acceptance criteria No rs, no xptooi.
8.3.5 Crush (cells)
a) Requirements
Severe crushing of a cell shall not cause F$E or EXPLOeON.
b) Test
Each fully charged cell, charged according to the second procedure at the upper limit charging temperature in 8.1.2, is immediately transferred and crushed between two flat surfaces in an ambient temperature. The force for the crushing is applied by a hydraulic ram exerting a force of 13 kN ± 1 kN. The crushing is performed in a manner that will cause the most adverse result. Once the maximum force has been applied, or an abupt voltage drop of one-third of the original voltage has been obtained, or 10 % of deformation has occurred compared to the initial dimension, the force is released (whichever condition occurs first should be the indication that the force should be released).
A cylindrical or prismatic cell is crushed with its longitudinal axis parallel to the flat surfaces of the crushing apparatus. Test only the wide side of prismatic cells.

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