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UL 62841-2-5-2016 pdf download

UL 62841-2-5-2016 pdf download.Electric Motor-Operated Hand-Held Tools, Transportable Tools And Lawn And Garden Machinery – Safety – Part 2-5: Particular Requirements for Hand-Held Circular Saws.
C) 55 mm for circular saws with a maximum blade diameter equal or greater than 265 mm and where the lower guard is not provided with any retracting handte and the only means for
operating the lower guard is remotely from the motor side of the upper guard
Compliance is chec*ed by measurement of the dvstance x’ along the lines perpendicular to the plane of the base plate. as shown in Figure 109.
For all saws where the depth-of-cut setting is achieved by pivoting the base plate at the front at the blade, the measurements shall be conducted with the base plate set for the 90° setting and to maximum depth of cut.
For saws where the depth-of-cut setting is achieved by pvoting the base plate at the rear of the blade or where the base plate at minimum and maximum depth of cut are parallel, the measurements shall be conducted with the base plate set for the 90° setting and to any depth of cut. The cutting edge zone of the blade above the base plate shall not be accessible from the front of the saw.
Compliance is checked with the rigid test probe ‘b’ of Figure 110 which shall not contact the periphery of a blade with diameter D when the saw is set for a 0° bevel angle and any depth of cut and the probe b’ is centred with the blade then advanced in any single plane perpendicular to the blade and parallel to the base plate. as illustrated in Figure 111. The test is repeated with probe b’ offset 13 mm to the right of the blade centre and then offset 13 mm to the left of the blade centre.
19.101,3 Saws using a guarding system as shown in Figure 104 shall be equipped with an upper guard into which any blade with a diameter in accordance with 8.3 shall automatically retract when not in use arid the time required for the blade to retract into upper guard shall be in accordance with 19.102.4. The upper guard shall lock the blade automatically in the closed position, when the movement of the base plate is not obstructed by the workpiece.
Compliance is checked by inspection and measurement. The measurement is carried out with the saw held by the handles and the base plate, initially in the horizontal piano and set to maximum depth of cut and 0° bevel angle. is released to the blade covering position.
The saw is then placed on a horizontal workpiece with the base plate at bottom. The saw is pressed by the handles downwards to the maximum depth of cut. After releasing the handles, the saw-unit with the saw-blade shall move upwards and lock automatically in the closed position.
The opening in the upper guard for the passage of the blade and rlvlng knife, if any, shall comply with as illustrated in Figure 106.
Compliance is checked by inspection and application of the test probe ‘a’ of Figure 105.
The opening in the upper guard to allow the plunging movement of the motor shall be as small as possible.
Compliance is checked by inspection.
19.102 Guarding below the base plate
19102.1 Guarding system as shown in Figures 101 and 102 For saws using a guarding system as shown in Figures 101 and 102, the lower guard shall meet the requirements of to The pecpendicular p1oection of the lower guard onto the blade shall cover at least the cutting edge zone of all specified blade diameters in accordance with 8.3. except for the blade exposure specified in and the exposure due to the contour of the front leading edge of the lower guard lip to facilitate the opening of the lower guard.
Compliance is checked by inspection and by measurement. When the lower guard is in the closed position and the base plate is not inclined and is set for maximum depth of cut, the blade periphery exposure angle LACB as specified in Figure 112 shall not exceed the value specified in Table 101. When the base plate is configured for bevel selling other than zero, it is necessary to increase the angle ACB to facilitate an unassisted lower guard opening.

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