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UL 8752-2013 pdf download

UL 8752-2013 pdf download.Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED)Panels.
a) Provision for mounting aver a standard outlet box, connection to conduit or cable, or other means in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code. CSA C22.1, Part I;
b) A length of power limited cable such as ELC, LVT, CM. or equivalent, or wiring terminals suitable for connection of such cable;
C) A length of flexible cord permanently connected to the panel or detachable using a mating plug and connector. The supply end of the cord shall not include a plug suitable for direct branch cwcuit connection: or
d) A length 01 appliance wiring material identified as suitable for external use In accordance with the Standard for Appliance Wiring Material Products. CSA C22.2 No. 210, permanently connected to the panel or detachable using a mating plug and connector. The supply end of the appliance wiling material shall not Include a plug suitable for crect branch circuit connection.
In the UnIted States:
a) Provision for mounting over a standard outlet box, connecDon to conduit or cable, or other means in accordance with Chapter 3 of the National Electrical Code (NEC). ANSL NFPA 70;
b) A length of power limited cable such as CL2 or CL3 or equivalent, as specified in Table 725.154(G) of the National Electncal Code (NEC). ANSI’NFPA 70, or winng terminals suitable for connection of such cable:
C) A length of flexible cord permanently connected to the panel or detachable using a mating plug and connector. The supply end of the cord shall not include a plug suitable for direct branch circuit connection; or
d) A length of appliance wiring material identified as suitable for external use in accordance with the Standard for Appliance Wiring Material, UL 758. permanently connected to the panel or detachable using a mating plug and connector. The supply end of the appliance wiring material shall not include a plug suitable for direct branch circuit connection.
17.2 An OLED panel intended to be mounted within the frame structure of a fixed or portable luminaire shall have provision to connect to a low voltage supply source in conformance to the internal wiring provisions of the applicable luminaire standard.
19.2 The test is to be conducted at an ambient temperature of 25 ±5°C (77 ±9°F), unless the installation
instructions specify a higher ambient in which case the test shall be conducted at the highest specified
ambient. ±5°C (±9°F), The ambient temperature is to be measured by means of a thermocouple immersed
in a bath of 15 milliliters of mineral oil in a glass container. Final temperatures are to be normalized to
25°C (or the mar1ied maximum ambient), to determine compliance with Table 3.
19.3 A temperature is considered stable when:
a) The test has been running for a minimum of 7.5 hours: or
b) The test has been running for a minimum of 3 hours and three successive readings taken at 15 minute intervals are within 1°C of one another and are not rising.
19.4 Temperature readings are to be obtained by thermocouples made of wires that conform to the requirements specified in the Standard Specification and Temperature-Electromotive Force (emf) Tables for Standardized Thermocouples, ANSIIASTM E230/E230M. Thermocouple wires shall be not larger than 24 AWG (0.21 mm2) and not smaller than 30 AWG (0.05 mm2). unless smaller wires are deemed necessary to reduce the impact of the thermocouple serving as a heat sink. Where referee temperatures are needed to resolve measurement uncertainty. 30 AWG iron and constantan wires and a potentiometer-type Instrument shall be used. The thermocouple junction and adjacent lead wire are to be held in secure thermal contact with the matenal surface being measured.
19.5 The panel shall be mounted as specified by the manufacturers installation instructions. If no instructions are provided, the panel shall be supported in a vertical pos4ion. A part designed to be adjustable by the user shall be positioned or adjusted to result in maximum heating of the unit or mounting surface.
19.6 When a part to be measured is in contact with a metallic part or another source of conducted heat. the thermocouple shall be wedged between the pail and the adjacent source of heat. Where a part to be measured is subject to a source of radiated or convected heat, thermocouples are to be Inserted from the outside surface through holes drilled in the material, such that the thermocouple tips are located in the plane of the inside surface and are sealed in place with fuller’s earth and sodium silicate (waterglass). Where either of the above two methods are impractical, alternative means of measuring the relevant temperatures are permitted where such methods can be shown to provide consistent and accurate readings that can be calibrated to an appropriate laboratory standard.

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