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UL 9540-2016 pdf download

UL 9540-2016 pdf download.ANSI/CAN/UL-9540:2016, Energy Storage Systems and Equipment.
In Canada. the limits for dc circuits is 42.4 Vdc as defined in the General Requirements — Canadian Electrical Code. Part II. CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 0.
13.4 Conductors of circuits operating at different voltages shall be reliably separated from each other through the use of mechanical securements such as bartiers or wire ties to maintain spacing requirements unless they are each provided with Insulation acceptable for the highest voltage involved. An insulated conductor shall be reliably retained so that it cannot contact an uninsulated live part of a circuit operating at a ckfferent voltage.
14 InsulatIon Levels and Protective Grounding
14.1 Hazardous voltage Circuits shall be insulated from accessible conductive parts and safety extra low voltage (SELV) Circuits as outlined in 14.2 through the following:
a) Basic insulation and provided with a protective grounding system for protection in the event of a fault of the basic insulation that complies with 14.3;
b) A system of double or reinforced insulation: or
c) A combination of (a) and (b)
14.2 Safety extra low voltage (SELV) Circuits, as defined in 6.20, that are insulated Irom accessible conductive parts through functional insulation only are considered accessible.
14.3 Accessible non-Current carrying metal parts of an energy storage system containing hazardous voltage circuits that could become live in the event of an insulation fault shall be bonded to the equipment ground terminal.
14.4 The proteciwe grounding methods of an energy storage system shall be in accordance with Article 250 of the National Electrical Code. NFPA 70 or Section 9 of the National Electrical Safety Code. IEEE C2 as applicable to where the system Is located.
In Canada. the method of bonding and grounding an energy storage system shall be in accordance with Section 10 and 36 of the Canadian Electrical Code. Part I Safety Standard for Electrical Installations, C22.1.
14.5 Parts of the protective grounding system shall be securely fastened and provided with metal-to-metal contact that will ensure the continuity of the grounding system. See Section 29.
15 Safety Analysis and Control Systems
15.1 Energy storage systems shall be povided with a safety analysis such as. but not limited to, a failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) that identifies critical safely components and circuits of the system. The analysis shall consider the compatibility of the parts of the energy storage system (e.g. battery system, charger. inverter. etc.) with regard to safety of the overall system. The analysis shall be pert omied by the manufacturer of the energy storage system or the entity that integrates the components that comprise the energy storage system. Guidance for analysis can be found in the following standards:
a) The Standard for Analysis Techniques for System Reliability — Procedures for Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), IEC 60812;
b) The Standard for Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), lEG 61025; and
c) The Procedures for Performing a Failure Mode, Effects, and Criticality Analysis, MIL-STD1629A.
15.2 Electrical and electronic controls of the energy storage system that are determined to be critical for safety shall comply with an appropriate safety standard for the control and used within their ratings. Electronics and sofiware controls determined to be critical for safety shall be evaluated for functional safety to an appropriate safety integrity level (SIL) or similar safety classification for the system as determined by the system safety analysis conducted per 15.1. Compliance to functional safety requirements shall be demonstrated through evaluation to the following standards as applicable to the system:
a) The Standard for Tests for Safety Related Control Employing SolidState Devices. UL 991, or the Standard for Safety Functions Incorporating Electronic Technology. C22.2 No. 0.8:
b) The Standard for Software in Programmable Components. UL 1998;
c) The Standard for Automatic Electrical Controls f or Household and Similar Use — Part 1:
General Requirements. UL 60730.1, or the Standard for Automatic Electrical Controls for
Household and Similar Use — Part 1: General Requirements, CANJCSA-E60730-1; or
d) The Standard for Functional Safety of ElectricaLElectroniciProgrammable Electronic Safety Related Systems, IEC 61508 (all parts).

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